16 Nov 2010

Hack exists!

Melissa Plaut started a blog about her experiences as a taxi driver. If you want to know more, click here and have a look at it.

I used to ...

Click here to find some context for these new expressions that you have learnt.

3 Nov 2010

Describing people (appearance and personality)

pronouncing -ed

Hi my dear students,

follow this link to find out more about how to pronounce -ed endings for past tenses and adjectives .

I hope you find it useful.

See ya!

P.S. Please leave a comment to know your opinion.

8 Oct 2010

What do you do? What´s your job/occupation?

Here you have a link which will help you remember vocabulary related to jobs.

And now another one with many more words and some exercises.

30 Sept 2010

The sounds of English

Here I leave a link to a video telling you about the sounds of English

More alphabet info

Pronunciación inglesa / Pronunciation of English

Consonantes y semivocales
/b/bat/bæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una b inicial española.
/d/dig/dIg/Sonido más explosivo que el de una d inicial española.
/dʒ/jam/dʒæm/Similar a una ch pero más cercano al sonido inicial de Giuseppe en italiano.
/f/fit/fɪt/Como la f española.
/g/good/gʊd/Sonido más explosivo que el de una g inicial española.
/h/hat/hæt/Sonido de aspiración más suave que la j española, articulado como si se estuviera intentando empañar un espejo con el aliento.
/hw/wheel/hwi:l/Una /w/ con la aspiración de la /h/ (muchos hablantes no distinguen entre /hw/ y /w/ y pronuncian whale de la misma manera que wail).
/j/yes/jes/Como la y española en yema y yo (excepto en el español rioplatense).
/k/cat/kæt/Sonido más explosivo que el de una c española en cama o acto.
/l/lid/lɪd/Como la l española.
/l̩/tidal/'taɪdl̩/l alargada y resonante.
/m/mat/mæt/Como la m española.
/n/nib/nɪb/Como la n española.
/n̩/threaten/'θretn̩/ n alargada y resonante.
/ŋ/sing/sɪŋ/Como la n española en banco o anca.
/p/pet/pet/Sonido más explosivo que el de una p española.
/r/rat/ræt/Entre la r y la rr españolas, pronunciado con la punta de la lengua curvada hacia atrás y sin llegar a tocar el paladar.
/s/sip/sɪp/Como la s española.
/ʃ/ship/ʃɪp/Sonido similar al de la interjección ¡sh!, utilizada para pedir silencio (ver también /tS/).
/t/tip/tɪp/Sonido más explosivo que el de una t española.
/tʃ/chin/tʃɪn/Como la ch española.
/θ/thin/θɪn/Como la c o la z del español europeo en cinco o zapato.
/ð/the/ðə/Sonido similar a una d intervocálica española como la de cada o modo.
/v/van/væn/Sonido sonoro que se produce con los incisivos superiores sobre el labio inferior.
/w/win/wɪn/Similar al sonido inicial de huevo.
/x/loch/lɑ:x/Como la j española.
/z/zip/zɪp/s sonora (con zumbido).
/ʒ/vision/'vɪʒən/Sonido similar al de la y o la ll del español rioplatense en yo o llave, o al de la j francesa en je (ver también /dʒ/).

Vocales y diptongos
El símbolo : indica que la vocal precedente es larga.
/ɑ:/father/'fɑ:ðər/Sonido más largo que el de una a española.
/æ/fat/fæt/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una a española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una e.
/ʌ/cup/kʌp/Sonido más breve que la a española y que se pronuncia en la parte posterior de la boca.
/e/met/met/Sonido parecido a la e española en mesa.
/ə/abet/ə'bet/Sonido similar al de la e francesa en je (ver también /əʊ/).
/ɜ:/fur/fɜ:r/Sonido que se obtiene al pronunciar una e española con los labios en la posición de pronunciar una o.
/ɪ/bit/bɪt/Sonido más breve que el de la i española.
/i;/beat/bi:t/Sonido más largo que el de la i española.
/i/very/'veri/Sonido similar al de la i española en papi.
/ɔ:/paw/pɔ:/Sonido más largo que el de la o española.
/u:/boot/bu:t/Sonido más largo que el de una u española.
/ʊ/book/bʊk/Sonido más breve que el de la u española.
/aI/fine/faɪn/Como ai en las palabras españolas aire, baile.
/aʊ/now/naʊ/Como au en las palabras españolas pausa, flauta.
/eɪ/fate/feɪt/Como ei en las palabras españolas peine, aceite.
/əʊ/goat/gəʊt/Como una o pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios.
/ɔɪ/boil/bɔɪl/Como oy en voy, coypu.
/uə/sexual/'sekʃuəl/Como una u pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de una /ə/.

Símbolos adicionales utilizados en la transcripción de sonidos vocálicos británicos
/ɒ/dog/dɒg/Similar a una o española.
/eə/fair/feə(r)/Como una e española seguida de /ə/.
/ɪə/near/nɪə(r)/Como una i española seguida de /ə/.
/ʊə/tour/tʊə(r)/Como una u española pronunciada sin redondear demasiado los labios y seguida de /ə/.

Hello EOI students!

This is a new link for English that I have found this morning. Take a look at the alphabet and also at the links below.

29 Sept 2010

11 Jun 2010

28 May 2010

the scientist song video

The scientist song

Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are

I had to find you
Tell you I need you
Tell you I've set you apart

Tell me your secrets
And ask me your questions
Oh, let's go back to the start

Running in circles
Coming up tails
Heads on the science apart

Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start

I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart

Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

Oh tell me you love me
Come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start

Running in circles
Chasing our tails
Coming back as we are

Nobody said it was easy
Oh, it's such a shame for us to part
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard

I’m going back to the start

Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ah ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Hello students from IES Xoán Montes

This post wants to give you all a warm welcome to this blog, where you will upload your homework and your suggestions for the following lessons.

Remember you need to register as Gmail users in order to add your comments on the posts.

Many students from some high schools in Galicia are waiting for you!!!

13 May 2010

Congratulations my dear students

Well done. You did your task quite successfully. I am proud of you. Now you have started and you know how it works, do not hesitate to write any information regarding English or the development of the lessons, as well as any doubts on them or suggestions.

I´ll be waiting for them and of course, as far as I am concerned, your contributions will be taken into account for your marks.

See you soon over here!

30 Apr 2010

Welcome students from Pino Manso

Hello lads! I just want to tell you that this is the place where you can write your opinions, wishes, projects, ideas, etc. regarding the English language.

If you find any videos or songs that could suit the objectives of this subject, don´t hesitate and suggest them here.

I hope you feel comfortable sharing your works with students from Palas de Rei, Rosalía de Castro (Santiago), Xermán Ancochea (Trives), Xelmírez II (Santiago) and some more from other high schools in Galicia.

I´m waiting for you!!

21 Apr 2010

Welcome people from Xelmírez II

HI there lads, here you have the post to upload your works on Lakers, the Union Jack and all the stuff you feel like sharing with this community.

I hope to see you soon here even after my leaving Santiago.

27 Feb 2010

New post for your descriptions

Hi again my dear students. I would like you to write your descriptions as a comment to this post, right?
By the way, be careful with verbs (some of you are still using is/are where you need to write the verb have/has got) and pay attention to the use of possessives (make sure you know the person is a he or a she before writing the possessive).

I´ll be waiting for your writings.

P.S. Those of you who have already written their descriptions in the other section do not need to write them again.

8 Feb 2010

mistakes collection by YOU


1. my homeworks, listenning

2. I has got…, the carpets is brown,

3. One of wardrobe there are clothes and other there are…

4. A poster of Ricardo that is my favourite…, there is a lamp that their light is blue because the bulbs are blues.

5. I play with the computer games, the carpets is white and violet, two lamp, I have got also a cd, a lot of a photos, quite a lot of time my bedroom, the wals are white and carpets with.

6. In the evening I listening to music, there is a desks, there are a tv, there are postres on the wall (jeje), the pots of R. Madrid and actors.

7. There are two bed, of my favourites TV series, I have got big BARÇA flag, pistures, homeworl, share it with my brother the walls are, I play videogames are watched tv, like my bedroom it has a problem, my bedroom is big the walls are whrite.

8. I support RM I´ve got pictures, I also cd player and computer, In the evening listen to music and read the books.

9. Tables of night (bedside tables), I have make my bed, wardrove, two bedside table, , and cds, I don´t estayl … on day but, listen the music hardly ever, my beb, my roon, afternon.

10. Important for my, Hear, I study, play the computer games, both are very importants, a dor, my room is welcoming, large wardrobe (sin a), is new and I designed, My mother gave me when…, a very important to me, Never change my room.

11. One bedside tables, homeworks, my bedroom is small, and your colour is blue, and in front of is a wardrobe, on the desk is a computer, my hobbies is listen, a nach ot tupac, the cupboar, I have order.

12. I dont share with…, pictures in the wall, In the room is a bed

27 Jan 2010

room description

Hello my dear pupils from Trives! Here is where I want you to write the description of your room. Remember you need a gmail account.

See you over here!!!

8 Jan 2010

Have you heard...?

This is the link to what you can hear about if you listen to the radio or watch Tv regarding Spanish Presidency of the European Union. What do you think? Let´s practise some English in the media.

I´m all ears.

more material coming...

material for my didactic proposal

This is just a link to an interesting web page on the topic 'Christmas in China' which makes part of a little project of mine concerning that issue. If any of the visitors of my blog finds any other interesting info, please, let me know via comment.
Thank you and happy new year everyone!