25 Apr 2018

This is for my dear CRIME writers in 3 ESO B

Hi there lads,

now you have the place for you to upload your writing about a crime that you have witnessed or that you know about.

Remember this will be the topic for the writing in your next exam, which is 40% of your final mark this year. Because of this, I expect a good piece of writing.

As always, you can use the model in unit 5 as a guide, but try to be original with respect to the crime you are going to describe.

I look forward to hearing from you.

And remember!!! If you do well enough, this will be your last but one this year.


23 Apr 2018

Letter of complaint

Hi there,

first of all, I would like to apologise for not having created the post for you to write your complaint letter during the weekend.

However, here you are now and I hope you still find the time to do it so that we can take a look at them this afernoon at school.

I look forward to meeting you after lunch.

Yours sincerely,

Nacho Noya