24 May 2019

An example of an informative essay

Hi there,

by clicking here, you will access the website of a company which produces wine near where we live.

This is just another example different from the one you can read on your textbook and closer to our environment and our business reality in the area.

13 May 2019

On managing your money

Hi again,

as you can see, I went on searching for articles from which we can get useful tips to put into practice as soon as possible.

Here I would like you to read this text and see how many of the tips mentioned are carried out by you on a regular basis.

Click here to follow the link. I hope you find it useful.

See ya!

Apps which help you keep track of your spending

Hi there,

as I promised you in the afternoon, here you are the post with a link to an article on FORBES, the magazine for finance in which we are offered a list of the best apps to control our expenses.

I want you to take a look at one of them and write your opinion as well as a short description of it.