18 Jan 2018

Writing Task for Higher Technicians Unit 7

My dear students,

here you are the post for you to carry out the activity regarding an invitation to a meeting and the answer refusing it.

I look forward to reading your mails.

See you soon.


  1. To: mrjones@proval.es
    From: lourdesgracia@pontevedra.es
    Subject: Schudule a meeting

    Dear Mr. Jones,

    I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss a special offer for your company. I would like to have the meeting on Wednesday, February 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The meeting will be in our facilities, in the conference room on the second floor. If possible, commercial managers also come.

    We will present our products and take a break with refreshments from 11:15 to 11:45.

    Please notify me of your participation or let me know if there is any problem.


    Mª Lourdes Gracia
    Marketing manager

  2. To: Finance Department, Head of Sales, Head of Marketing.
    From: Anaraida Pereira Salgueiro

    Subject: Scheduling Meeting

    Dear All,

    I would like to scheduling meeting to discuss about the new strategies to attract our clients with respect to other companies in the sector and also to talk about the revenius obtained this year, which have improved by 25% over previous years.

    I would like to hold the meeting in the conference room on Thuesday, 23th January, from 15:00 till 17:30. As you already know, the conference room is located on the second floor in front of The Human Resources Department.I hope the time is convenient for you all.

    Please confirm your participation or let me know if there are any problems.


    Anaraida Pereira Salgueiro.
    Director of Finance.

    1. To: Anaraida Pereira.
      From: Nandy Bayona.
      Subject: Postpone the meeting.

      Good morning,
      I read your e-mail about the meeting.
      Unfortunately,I ´m going to have to postpone the meeting because I´m working in Ethiopia since two weeks ago, operating to people with amputations for ethnic cleansing.
      I´ll be back on February, Don´t take it amiss but can you reschedule the meeting for when I´m back?.
      I have a great commitment here.
      Can you postpone the meeting for the first Friday of February? At the same time that you had scheduled.
      I´ll be there, I promise.

      Best Regards and hugs from Ethiopia.
      Nandy Bayona.

  3. To: Marketing Department, Sales Teams
    From: Andrea Pereira
    Subject: Meeting, 29thJanuary

    I would like to schedule a meeting for Monday, 29th January, in the Conference Room of the Hotel Mexico, from 10:00 tell 13:00.
    The reason for the meeting is to inform of the next release of our main product and marketing strategies we must follow this year.
    Please confirm your participation or let me know is there are any problems.

    Yours sincerely,

    Andrea Pereira
    Marketing Director

    1. To: Andrea Pereira, Marketing Director
      From: Iago Fole
      Subject: Meeting, 29thJanuary

      Dear Andrea,

      Unfortunately we won´t attend to the meeting scheduled on 29th January, in the Conference Room of the Hotel Mexico, from 10:00 till 13:00, because in that week our company will be closed for external reasons. Nevertheless, on 2nd February we will return to our normal activity, and then we can reschedule the meeting, if you are available, on 5th February, it will be in our company, in the 2nd floor where we have the Meeting Room. I hope this is convenient.

      I´m looking forward to seeing you,

      Iago Fole
      Personal Assistant of the Marketing Director.

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  5. To: Sales Department, Finance Department, Marketind Department
    From: Eva Marcial
    Subjet: Meeting- 15th February

    Dear all,

    I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the new advertising campaigns. The meeting will take place on Thursday, 15th February , from 16:00 till 18:00 in the comference room in the second floor. At the same time we´ll take a break with refreshments that starts at 17:30 and ends at 17:40.
    I´m sure that you´ll have well-prepared all the relevant data on your proyects.I hope the time is convenient for you all.
    Please confirm your participation or let me know if there are any problems.

    We look forward to your response,


    Eva Marcial
    Sales Manager

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. To: Eva Marcial

      From: Marketing Department

      Subject: meeting 15th February

      Dear sales manager,

      Thank you for informing us, however, the members of the marketing department wont be available on thursday 15th, due to new projects we're working on and already scheduled meetings. Also the conference room is not ideal since its far away from our department.

      I look forward to sorting these issues out and having a productive meeting.

      Best regards,


      Marketing manager

  6. To: Finance Department, Head of Sales, Head of Marketing.
    From: Estefania Salgueiro
    Subject: Schedule a meeting

    Dear All,

    I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss our new percentage of sales. I´d like to hold the meeting in conference room on the hotel “Los escudos” on Tuesday, 21st May, from 10:00 at 12:00. At the end of the meeting we will take some beverages. If possible I would like that it come from adviser of sales.

    Make sure to come well-prepared with all the relevant data of the company.

    I hope the time is convenient for you all.
    Please confirm you participation or let me know if there are any problems.

    Estefania Salgueiro
    Director of finance

  7. To: Union Department
    From: Rosa Fidalgo
    Subject: Meeting-28th January

    Dear All,

    I´d like to schedule a meeting to discuss the new collective bargaining agreement. The meeting will take place off-site, at the auditorium of de Hotel Riu.
    We´d like to hold the meeting on 28th January which will start at 8:00 a.m. and will end at 2.00 p.m.
    We´d like take a break from 11:00 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. as we´ll provide refreshments as fruit, snacks and cold and hot drinks.
    Make sure to bring a document and a presentation with the points that you want agree.

    Please confirm your participation by 20th January or let me know if you have any problem since I need to book the auditorium.


    Rosa Fidalgo
    Personal Assistant

    1. To: Rosa Fidalgo
      From: Salvador Giráldez
      Subject: Cancellation of the meeting

      Dear Rosa,

      I regret to inform you that i have to cancel our meeting scheduled at 8:00 am on Sunday, 28th January regarding the new collective bargaining agreement. I have been notified by my assistant that i must attend to a breakfast with another union representatives, which cannot be postponed.
      I sincerely apologize for all the inconvenience, as well as for my short notice.
      I hope for your understanding and i am looking forward to our meeting, which are could reschedule for the week of 5th February.
      For example, we could set the date of our appointment to Saturday, 10th .
      I kindly ask you to send a confirmation that you have received my email.

      Thank you one again for your consideration.
      Looking forward to your response.

      Kind regards,

      Salvador Giráldez
      Head of Union Department

  8. To: finance department
    From: Hilary Mars
    Subject: Meeting- 15 January

    Dear all:

    I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss our year –end – report. I would like to hold the meeting in the hotel conference room of the Bahía Hotel in Baiona on Monday, 15, January, from 1:00 P.M to 5 :00 P.M . Please be sure to organize the papers and send the project responses to our department. I hope the day is convenient for all. Please confirm your participation in the meeting before the day 6 th January.


    Sales department
    Bea Pombal

    1. TO: Hillary Mars
      From: Carlos Financial Department
      Subject: Meeting 15 Th January

      Dear Hillary,
      Thank you for your e-mail regarding the meeting in the Hotel Bahía on Monday 15th January at 1:00 PM at 5:00PM. I´d like to confirm my attendance. I will not be able to attend because I travel to Qatar over last week. Is there anything else would like me to prepare?

      Sincerely yours
      Carlos Paz
      Financial Department

  9. To: Sales Department, Marketing Department, Innovation Department
    From: Pablo Fontán
    Subject: Meeting- 27th January

    Dear All,

    I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the placing on the market of our new product. The meeting will be held at the NH Hotel on Saturday 27th of January at 5:00 pm with an approximate duration of 2 hours. The people present should make sure to carry with them the information gathered in the previous meetings. Confirm your attendance and if not, ask for your justification before 24th of January, since it requires time for your organization.

    Pablo Fontán
    Director of Sales and Marketing


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