29 Nov 2020

FRESH NEWS about your coming Writing and Speaking exams (Year 1 Bachillerato)

 Hi there guys,

I hope you have enjoyed a wonderful weekend (with some time for studying too).

I just want to tell you that I have been thinking quite a lot on your term exams with me and I have come to a conclusion which affects both your writing and speaking exams. 

As you know, now we are dealing with unit 2, which focuses on crime and the present and past perfect tenses. Well, for your next writing exam you will have to write a composition about a crime that took place in the past and for the speaking exam you will also have to record yourselves (using your mobile phones) informing someone about a crime too, as if you were real reporters.

Therefore, I think that it would be easier for you if you used the same invented story for both exams, don't you think? So, think about a crime (all the action, the previous situation and the consequences) and use that story for both your writing and your speaking exams (with the little differences that always exist between oral and written communication).


I'm So Clumsy! | Advanced English Listening Practice

The Past Perfect Tense | Do the quiz at the end of the video and leave your answers on the comments

Present Perfect Tense | Simple or Continuous? | FOR & SINCE 🤔

The Present Perfect Tense | English Grammar Lesson

Grammar Snacks: Present perfect simple and continuous

14 Nov 2020

Year 3 ESO daily update and homework

 Hola chicos,

este viernes pasado tocó hacer exámenes parciales en los dos grupos. Para esta semana que viene los deberes consisten en escribir un texto igual al que os tocará hacer a finales de semana en el examen de WRITING. ¿Qúe tipo de texto es y qué hay que escribir? Pues es una redacción sobre una persona (real o inventada) en la que tenéis que usar:

  1. verbo to be
  2. verbo to have got
  3. there is y there are (afirmativa o negativa)
  4. Presente Simple (para hablar de rutinas)
  5. Presente Continuo (os inventáis lo que está haciendo esa persona en el momento en que escribís vuestra redacción o ponéis el Pres. Continuo con valor de Futuro o para cosas que ocurren durante una temporada que incluye el presente). Estos son los 3 usos de Presente Continuo que vimos en clase. Si podéis usar 3 presentes continuos diferentes, mejor.
El lunes los de B tenéis que traerlo hecho para clase y el martes los de A.

Un saludo!

12 Nov 2020

How to Make Falafel | Falafel Recipe

Daily update for Year 3 ESO B


Esta mañana vimos un vídeo sobre cómo preparar el Falafel. Vosotros teníais que traer buscada la información de los ingredientes necesarios y luego vimos el vídeo que explica el procedimiento para elaborar este plato tan apetecible. Os voy a dejar el vídeo en otro post a continuación.

Después, los que buscaron la información sobre el movimiento Slow Food nos comentaron sus características principales: qué es, dónde tiene presencia y qué persigue conseguir.

Os dejo aquí el enlace a su web por si os interesa saber más: SLOW FOOD MOVEMENT.

También os comenté que para el WRITING final de esta primera evaluación tendréis que escribir cómo preparar un plato de comida, el que queráis, pero que sea interesante y tenga variedad de ingredientes.

5 Nov 2020

Year 1 Bach

This is the post for your Informal correspondence.

Remember the Grammar Requirements:

1) Use Simple Past and Past Continuous with when and while

2) Include one of each of the Adverbs we have seen in this Unit 1.

Do not forget to respect the structure following the model in the Writing Section of Unit 1.

Include Connectors.

Daily update for Year 3 ESO B

 ¡Hola a todos!

Esta mañana en clase repasamos el Presente Continuo:

a) Tiene 3 usos diferentes y qué expresiones temporales van con cada uso.

b) Cómo se forma: BE como verbo auxiliar y el verbo principal añade -ing

Después hicimos el ejercicio 10 de la página 7 del Workbook y los ejercicios 8 y 9 de la página 7 del Student's Book.

¡Nos vemos!

Daily update for Year 1 Bach

 Hi there!

This morning in the A Group we started by checking exercise 4 on page 13 (dialogue) and then we moved on to the Writing section, where we dealt with Informal Correspondence. There, we did exercises 1 and 2, we read the sample mail and we mentioned how punctuation helps make our writing clear. Finally, I explained the three types of adverbs that you will HAVE TO use in both the mail task for this blog and the writing exam. I also wrote on the board the Grammar Requirements you NEED TO consider for those writing tasks. At the very end of today's lesson I recommended that you visit the Writing Guide which starts on page 148 and that you read as far as page 153 on which you will find very useful information for this specific writing you´ve got ahead.

On the other hand, in the B group we went back to page 13 to mention the Speaking Strategy box on the right and how it is linked with British culture, then we did exercise 1 on page 14 before moving to the Adverbs section. Once there, I explained the three types of adverbs and how to use them, I gave you the Grammar Requirements for your practise on my blog and also for the exam and after that I told you about the Writing Guide as it is explained on the paragraph above for the other group.


1. Group A must upload their mails to this blog before Monday (9th) class and Group B must do the same before Tuesday (10th).

2. Next Thursday we are doing the Reading and Listening midterm exams. Get ready for the Speaking exams with your partners and we are on our way for the Writing exams too.

See you!

3 Nov 2020

Daily update for 3 ESO A


Hoy en clase no trabajamos con el libro de texto, sino que, a raíz de una pregunta sobre cómo se decía "Yo también", decidí explicaros cómo decir tanto "Yo también" como "Yo tampoco" de las dos principales maneras que existen en inglés.

Hay una fácil: "Me too" (famosa por el movimiento social que partió de las denuncias a Harvey Weinstein) para "Yo también" y "Me neither" para "Yo tampoco".

Otra no tan simple: So + auxiliary/be + subject  para "yo también"

                        Neither + auxiliary/be + subject para "yo tampoco"

Un saludo!

Daily update for 1 Bach B


this morning we started by doing the listening exercise on page 12, then I asked you about the museums (which) you had chosen during the weekend for your speaking exam. After that, we moved on to the WRITING section, where we read the sample e-mail and we analysed its structure and parts. Finally, we checked exercise 2.

Homeworks is reading the box on page 15 about ADVERBS so that it sounds more familiar when I explain them in our next class.

See ya!