5 Nov 2020

Year 1 Bach

This is the post for your Informal correspondence.

Remember the Grammar Requirements:

1) Use Simple Past and Past Continuous with when and while

2) Include one of each of the Adverbs we have seen in this Unit 1.

Do not forget to respect the structure following the model in the Writing Section of Unit 1.

Include Connectors.


  1. Hi I'm María Suárez-Llanos Areses

    From: marias@gmail.com
    To: harrywilliams@gmail.com
    Subject: What happened this week

    Hey Harry,

    How are things with you? Sorry I can't write before. Last Tuesday we had a storm and the Internet broke down. But hey! Luckily, they already fixed it.

    How are you in the new city? I'm sure it must be difficult. Here everything is fine, but an accident happened in our school. It was on Monday morning, I was walking to school when a car crashed with a traffic light. It was someone from 2nd grade and although no one was hurt, it was shocking. The boy and his father were having a lot of interviews while we were “studying hard” in class. But honestly, that was the most interesting thing that happened.

    At home everything is Ok. I went to the cinema with Clara (my sister) and her friends, to celebrate her birthday, but the film was very bad. Anyway I had time to buy you a gift -because I haven't forgotten your birthday! Unfortunately for you, you'll not be able to see it until the 17th of December.

    That's all for now. I can't wait to hear from you, please answer me back, I'll try to answer quickly next time.

    All the best,

  2. From: mariafernandez@gmail.com
    To: albertofernandez@hotmail.com
    Subject: Cinema!

    Hi Alberto,

    How are things with you? I'm writting to tell you that I went to the cinema to wach the film you recommended me last week.

    Yesterday I went to the cinema and watched BlackCat. I couldn't follow the plot easily. Firstly, the cat lived happily in a nice house. Suddenly, the cat had a lot of problems when a black dog arrived in the house. It was very strange. I left the cinema pretty worried.

    That's all for now. I'm looking forward to talking to you about the film. What did you think it?

    See you,
    María Fernández Barrientos (1ºB).

  3. Hugo Da Cuña Cañedo/1°BACH.A

    From: hugodacaldelas@gmail.com
    To: henry.04@gmail.com
    Subject: Old memories!

    Hi Henry,

    How are you doing in Nevada? I just got home now, the trip was awesome. While I was checking the gallera of the mobile on the way, I found some photos of when we were littke. We were pretty cure!

    On the one hand, there are many of them that remind me good times, like when we went to the zoo. Do you remember when you threw your mobile in the lake of the turtles while you were taking a picture of me? Fortunately, fell on earth.

    On the othet hand, there is one that reminds me when we couldn't get into the Orlando amusement park, we really wanted yo go!

    That's all I wanted yo tell you, hope you come soon!


  4. Aroa Pérez Cabaleiro 1 Bach B

    From: fionnaxdaro@gmail.com
    To: davidurs7@gmail.com
    Subject: A dangerous adventure!

    Hey David,

    What-s up? I'm sorry I haven't written sooner, but I've been on a little trip with some friends. We decide to practise a extreme sport all together. However, it was a bad idea...

    At the beginning of the trip I was so excited about the idea of doing a new sport. My two friends said it would be fun to try potholing ( better known as caving). So we drove to the information booth, where we got safety equipment. An hour from there, we were ready to start our adventure.

    First, we entered the cave through a fairly large hole. Meanwhile, we were joking and laughing all the time. Nevertheless, when the space began to be reduced, I started to feel anxiety. Later, while we were trying to get through a very small gap, one of my friends became trapped. We were waiting two hours until a rescue team arrived. Fortunately, we were safe and sound.

    I know you practise this type of sports well, but never do potholing alone! That's all for now.

    See you,

  5. Antía Núñez Arós – 1º BACH B

    From: antinuar@gmail.com
    To: tayloranderson@gmail.com
    Subject: Photoshoot

    Hi Taylor,

    How is everything? I'm writing to you late because I had a lot of work, I wanted to talk you about the photos I took of you last week.

    I've had a few issues and my little brother accidentally deleted the ones you liked best while I was editing some of them. Fortunately, I have found other very similar photos from when we went on a trip two weeks ago, so I'll send them to you tomorrow around 7:00 p.m. I hope it doesn't make you mad.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, I promise it won't happen more times! :(


  6. From: luciacresporguez@gmail.com
    To: evaperezromeero@gmail.com
    Subject: My weekend trip.

    Hey Eva,

    How are you? Sorry, I couldn't write before. I had a problem with the Internet and I couldn't connect. Luckily, now the problem is solved and I'm writting to tell you about my weekend trip.

    On Friday afternoon, after leaving school, my parents decided to go visit my grandparents in Asturias.
    The road was a bit long but fortunately, at night we were already there. On Saturday morning, while a I was having breakfast, my grandparents decided to go for a walk so we went to the nearest town. It was beautiful.
    Then, after lunch, we went to a cafe and about 7 o'clock we left for home again.
    The trip was great!

    That's all for now. I hope you write me soon.


  7. From: arturilina@gmail.com
    To: cesarbravo@gmail.com
    Subject: My summer!

    Hey César,
    How are things whit you? I`m writing to tell you about my summer, this year it wasn´t the best but i passed it great.

    This summer i did many things. While was happening the time, me,my parents and my brother we went to Rumania to visit the family and see my friends from there, we were there three weeks. Luckily, we left before they closed the borders. When i arrived in Spain, i was taking advantage of the hots days whit my friends,i was barely home. This summer i met great people and i went to many places,it passed to fast.

    I hope you passed it good this summer you too, let`s see when we meet.

    A strong hug,


  8. FROM:Sergiopenna@gmail.com
    SUBJECT: lock down

    Hi Luis

    How are you?How did you spend the lock down?I spent time playing video games and whatching TV.For me the lock down was very difficult.I am writing to tell you about lock down

    In the morning I did homework while listening to music, I always had homework because the teachers sent we a lot of homework, I always rang my friends on the mobile phone or the laptop,fortunately I live in a big house and I could run and jump. I read books,I read pretty books. When I went to the city I saw my friends.

    Keep in touch and sent me a new gmail tell me about your lock down



  9. From: claudiagnz@gmail.com
    To: heathergray@gmail.com
    Subject: trip to California.

    Hi Heather,

    What´s up? I´m writing to tell you about my trip to California. I know you were wanting to join me but it couldn't be possible. Even so, I know that you really want me to tell you everything about this experience.

    When I arrived two months ago, I was very excited for fulfilling our great dream. I got to the beach house that we rented and it was beautiful! You would really love it. It was all made of wood, small but cozy and best of all was how close it was to the sea. When I was getting settled in, I saw a group of guys going with their surfboards towards the waves, they saw me and came to introduce themselves and invite me to surf with them. They were really nice!
    During the following weeks we got to know each other better, they introduced me to more people and we had a great time. When night came we went to the beach and lit a bonfire, some of them carried their guitar, and while they were playing the instruments, we were talking and singing all the night.

    I'm having a great time, even though I miss you. Wish you were here.
    I hope you are well, write me soon friend. In no time you will hear from me again.


  10. Yolanda Gómez Martínez - 1º BACH B

    From: yolanda65b@gmail.com
    To: mariamartinez@gmail.com
    Subject: Stressful course!

    Hello Grandma,

    What's up? Sorry I haven't written sooner, because I was busy studying for exams and doing a lot of homework. I'm writing to tell you about how this course is going.

    Every morning, I find it difficult to get up, since I am very sleepy, as you well know. I get up, I get dressed and so while my mother was making breakfast, because otherwise I don't have time. With the subject of the study, I'm doing well. But the teachers send a lot of homework when they know perfectly well that we have many exams. At the moment the grades that they gave me very well, although they could be better. When I finished the first evaluation, it will already be Christmas and we will all be eating together if we can.

    That's all for now, I hope to see you soon granny.


  11. Amalia Acuña Alonso - 1ª Bach B

    From: amaliaalonso@gmail.com
    To: carmengnz@gmail.com
    Subject: Camping with friends

    Hey Carmen,

    How is everything in Madrid? Sorry for not having answered you before, but I didn't have time.
    I'm writing to tell you about the great week I had.

    Last week my friends and I went camping in A Guarda. It's quite close to Tui, so it only took us half an hour by car.
    When we arrived, while some of us were setting up the tent, others went to buy something to snack on. Then we took a long walk to the beach, and when we got back we had to go quickly because time was running out for dinner at the campsite. Luckily we were on time.
    All the days after were great.
    On the last day, we were carrying everything into the car when a storm began.
    Fortunately, the days we were there we had a great weather.

    This is all. I hope to see you very soon.


  12. From: migueeelperez@gmail.com

    Hey Pepe,

    How are you? I haven't spoken to you for a long time.I was working in the house and I was doing a lot of homework.Now that finshed my homework, I can write to you.while I was reading I thought about.

    In the lock down,I did videoconferences with my friends and the teacher.The weather was good to study English.Fortunately I live in a house with garden and animals.
    How about your lock down in the city of London?

    Keep in touch and tell me.


  13. Óscar Mirás Sánchez. 1º BACH A

    From: mirasoscar@gmail.com
    To: sebastian77@hotmail.com
    Subject: A traumatic experience

    Hi there Sebastian,

    I wanted to tell you this before, but I was very busy this days and I couldn't write you until this night. First of all I want to make it clear that this isn't any kind of joke, so read this carefully.

    Yesterday was Friday 6th, and I spent the whole afternoon doing athletics near the mountain, so I got home late and I had a lot of things to do before the day was over. What I want to tell you is that at night, all the following things happened: while I was picking up a package with my father's name in the mailbox, an excessively strident sound ran through the air until it reached me. I didn't notice anything, but an instant later the package had disappeared. When this happened I stayed whithout moving, and I thought it would be a bird that took the package looking for food. Unfortunately the package fell on me, and it hurt me a lot, but I'm quite well.

    In conclusion, the thing is this morning while I was doing my homework I looked through the window and I felt like a sparrow was staring at me with its eyes. Due to this I'm quite worried, and besides images from the Alfred Hitchcok movie "The Birds" keep coming to my mind, and I don't know what to do. The birds don't leave my mind, I know it is psychological but I am not capable to forget this bizarre experience.

    I'm writing to you for advice, Sebastian, because I don't know what to do, I'm quite traumatized and, I don't know, if you could help me in any way, go to the psychologist or something...

    Many hugs,


  14. From: byalex@gmail.com
    To: rodri@gmail.com
    Subject: Free big concert

    Hello Rodrigo,

    How are you? Around here in Tuy there are few events, but the last one was the best. It's sad that you couldn't come

    Last Saturday the famous group Morat arrived in Tuy. I was watching TV when other friends told me. At this time, I ran very fast, because the concert was free. Fortunately, I was on time. It was a beautiful moment, listening to that music. When it was over I went back to my house and posted on Intagram a fragment that I had managed to record at the concert. I went to sleep because I was a little tired, and the next morning my post went viral!

    I hope you have already seen it, but just so you know. I await your answer and a comment. See you soon.


  15. From: almudenamuñoz@gmail.com
    To: victoralonso@hotmail.com
    Subject: Travel.

    What´s up? Sorry I didn´t write sonner but I very stressed whith the travel. Fortunately, after a long trip back I´m calm at home. I´m wrtiting to tell you about my great weekend on Sydney.

    On Saturday morning, I went to my grandmother´s house in Sydney. Shes was eating when I arrived and when she finished, she prepared my favourite food for me. I missed his food so much!
    Luckily, the weather was fantastic to go to the beach. I went to Bondi Beach, it was amazing but there were a lot of people. When we arrived at home, my grandmother told me she had a surprising for me. The next day was fantastic! While I was sleeping appeared my sister. I missed her and I got up quickly to hug her affectionately. In the afternoon we went to the Acuario. We saw really cool animals. It was incredible day in family!

    Looking forward to hearing you. I promise we will see you soon! I want to see you.


  16. Cristina Muñoz Álvarez - 1º Bach B

    From: cristinamualvarez@gmail.com
    To: lindseywh761@gmail.com
    Subject: My week

    Hi Lindsey,

    How are thing with you? I’m sorry I haven’t written sooner, but I was very busy studing and doing the homework. I can finally tell you what happened to me this week. I couldn’t help thinking about this email while studying.

    Basically I was studying, because I had a lot of exams. Sometime I read, too. I was studying when the power went out, luckily it came back quickly. The exam that more worried me was the Monday, it really wasn’t easy. I was preparing it for a long time and I know that the note will be high. Althought I nervously did the exam.

    I will wait patiently for your answer now that I have more free time.

    See you,

  17. From: clagarpon@gmail.com
    To: luisgonz@gmail.com
    Subject: My fantastic weekend.

    Hi luis,

    How are you? I´m writing to tell you about my weekend. Last weekend, I went to Madrid to visit the most important places and meet some friends.

    The flight took off in Santiago at 8 am. It landed at 10 am in Madrid. The flight was a little bit boring.
    While I was at the airport, my friend Carlos called me to tell me that he was waiting for me in the car park.
    He took me quickly to the hotel where I was going to sleep that weekend. A few minutes later, I went to visit The Prado museum. Since I was young, I was interested in visiting it, because there are a lot of paintings of important artists.
    In the afternoon I went shopping and I bought some souvenirs to take home to my family.
    At night, I had dinner at an interesting restaurant called “Lhardy”. The food was very good and I liked it very much. I ate typical Spanish tapas and Spanish omelette.
    The last day I was in Madrid, I went for a walk to the park of El Retiro and it was amazing. I listened to Spanish music near the lake. I took lots of photos.
    When I had to catch the flight back home, I was late and I almost didn´t arrive on time.
    Luckily, I could take it and fly back home. I arrived at 9 pm and my father came to pick me up at the airport.

    My weekend was fantastic! I hope you had a very good weekend to. I can´t wait to receive your answer.

    See you soon,

  18. Natalia Lopez 1BAC "A"

    Subject: MY TRAVEL!

    Hi Mom,
    How are things there? Sorry I didn´t write sooner. I was busy going to high school and having many exams. However I´m writting to tell you about how I came to Spain.

    I was really lost when I arrived in Madrid . It was six hours waiting and (how do you know)I was alone in the airport. There were a lot of people speaking in differents languages that I did´nt understand, for this reason I was so bored and sleppy. Unfortunately, the plane came while I was sleeping top on my suitcase and I lost my flight. I had to wait anothers four hours for the next plane.

    Next time , I´ll tell you more details, that´s all for now.I miss you so much and I hope you are well!


  19. From: gabricostas@emaildomain.com
    To: afriendofmine@gmail.com
    Subject: Visit at the zoo

    Hi Carlos,

    How are you? I know you like animals a lot, so I tought about writing you an e-mail to tell you about an amazing experience I had back when I was living in Switzerland.

    It was at the end of my last secondary school year, so in the middle of 2018, in Switzerland there is a tradition of making a week long trip to another European country to celebrate the end of your mandatory schoolarship, but due to tragic reasons my class couldn't go on one (the parralel class was visiting Madrid while we were in Switzerland), but luckily our teachers managed to organise a one day visit to Zurich, Switzerland's biggest city where we visited it's zoo. And what can I say about the zoo asside from that it was amazing! There where a lot of exotic animals including: elephants, penguins, kangaroos, a tiger, lots of monkeys, birds, there were a lot of sea animals too! My favorite one was the sea lion, but I had no time to see them all. I was a bit sad because there was a crocodile and I din't see it when I was there.

    Anyway, that's all I had to say, If you ever come to Switzerland be sure to visit that zoo.



  20. Samuel Ferreira Lopez 1ºBac A

    From: Samuelferreiralopez2003@gmail.com
    To: Moisespereirarey3@gmail.com
    Subject: Trip to Barcelona

    Hey Moisés

    How's it going? Sorry for not writing to you during the return trip, I had problems with the connection. but I have already come home and I have connection again. The trip was incredible, I really wanted to visit Barcelona.

    We arrived in the city around 10 a.m. We parked the car outside and took the subway to the center. We went out at La Sagrada Familia, but we only saw it from the outside because entering was too expensive. Then we took the subway again and went to visit the old streets. In the afternoon we went to where I most wanted to go, the Camp Nou, the F.C. Barcelona stadium. It was huge. While we were on the pitch, I saw that tiny pieces of grass were sold for 20 euros, it was ridiculous. Later we visit Park Güell, and then Montjuic. We took the subway again to get the car back, but unfortunately the last line was closed for works and we had to walk 2km to pick up the car.

    I had a great time and I really liked the city.
    When we meet I'll tell you more details.


  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. From:dianacr@gmail.com
    Subject:We lost the wallet

    Hi Sean,
    How are you? The last time you wrote me, you told me that you had a school exams. You gave good marks?

    On Saturday, my sister and i went to the city. We went to the shopping center to buy things fot Chrisrmast. When we were in the shop, a woman interrupted us. She had found a wallet. While we were buing we cost our wallet. Fortunately, that woman found our wallet and we were able to recuperate it.

    That`s all for now. I await your answer, this time respond quickly.


  23. from: nereacarliniii@gmail.com
    to: alicevans22@gmail.com
    subject: my new painting

    Hey Alice,

    How´s it going? I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch for such a long time. I had to buy another computer because while I was using my laptop this stopped working.

    Last month a client asked me to paint him a photograph of his daughter surfing. Honestly, the photo was beautiful but quite complicated to draw. I had to paint pretty fast because the paint was drying out quickly. When I finished I took it to Jonh, my client. The funniest thing about this story is that while I was entering the subway, I dropped the picture, but fortunately it didn't break.

    I must go now, I’m looking forward to your reply.


    (Nerea Gonzalo Carlini 1ºBac A)

  24. From: cristina.amorin.rodriguez@gmail.com
    To: andrea.perez@hotmail.com
    Subject: The worst holidays!

    Hey Andrea.

    How are you? I’m so sorry I don’t speak with you before,but I couldn’t speak because this holidays was the worst and for this I was very busy.

    This holidays started bad because we was in quarantine, it was horrible . When we can go out my family and I went to Coruña, where my sisters live. Then the holidays were worse tan before because while I was cycling with my friends, a car ran me over, but don’t worry I’m well. It only was scare. Now I’m perfect but I wait that it doesn’t repeat .

    Now the school started. I wait your e-mail for your holidays.

    Kissis, Cristina.

    (Cristina Amorín Rodríguez 1ºBach A)

  25. From: cesarbravo@gmail.com
    To: changeyouraccountname@gmail.com
    Subject: Last weekend

    Hey shawn,

    How are you going dude? I see that you havent´t changed your nickname yet. Sorry I couldn´t write before, I was in the middle of nowhere visitting my grandparents, and things like Wi-Fi have not been discover yet in a place like this. Well, I´m writing to tell you how has been the weekend.

    On Saturday I went to a concert, and no, I was not in the public. It was my first concert and I was terrified, but, luckily, people were great, i can´t wait to give the next one. In the Sunday I went to Vigo, I was going there when a car crashed and my mom and I haved to go back home.

    And that´s all folks! I hope to see you son homie <3


  26. From: martamuñozs@gmail.com
    To: abby237brn@gmail.com
    Subject: My favourite teddy!

    Hi Abby,

    What’s up? It’s been a lot of time since we saw each other. I’m fine now but the other day I almost had a heart attack when I couldn't find my favourite teddy.
    Maybe you think that I'm being too dramatic but it's really important to me.

    I get it four years ago when I went to Madrid to visit my family and we went to the zoo. After going to see all the animals (that were quite a lot, actually) we went to the gift store. While my brother was searching for a bookmark with his name, I looked around the store. At the end of the shop there was a red panda plush beautifully put on one of the shelves, I fell in love with it the moment i saw it. I didn't want to go home without that teddy on my hands but unfortunately my aunt didn't think like me. She told me that the zoo’s plushies were too expensive and that we would look in other stores to find something alike. While she was walking out the door I tried to explain to her that a plushie from an animal like that is practically impossible to find but sadly, she didn't listen to me. I had to wait to the next year so I could go to the zoo again to bought it, so I would feel extremely sad if i lost it after having to wait a whole year to have it and since I don't know when I will go to Madrid again and have the opportunity to buy another.

    That’s all for now! I hope you write back soon this time!

    Take care,

  27. From: uxigomez555@gmail.com
    To: ruthvila@gmail.com
    Subject: knowing something about you since you've left the country.

    Hi Ruth,

    I'm so excited to know how are you going in France,sometimes it's difficult to move to a different country with another lenguage, another culture...but anyway, how are you?

    We can't wait to see you, especially Juan, unfortunately he was arriving at the airport when your plane lift off.
    It was very hard for him not being able to say goodbye, but we helped him get through it.
    Now Spain is empty without you :'(, haha I was joking but is true that we miss you so much.
    I'm trying to write beautifully as I can but you already know me, i'm always joking. And my mum doesn't help me either, she has already interrupted me four times while I was writing this to you, so it's imposible to me to be inspired.

    I think i should finish this for now,I'm already waiting for your answer!


    (Uxía Gómez Domínguez 1°Bach B)

  28. EMAIL:
    From: gabriel200x@gmail.com
    To: ana200x@gmail.com
    Subject: The possibility of leaving high school.
    Greeting- Hey Ana
    Opening remarks-
    How are you doing? How is the course going? Unfortunately it didn´t go too well for me, i was stress and some exams that I had studied i failed them, I got involved and I failed more than one.
    While the beginning was good course I was motivated but I was getting more and more frustrated. The firsts weeks I didn't stop working but then I stopped, I felt pressured and I didn't have time for myself, just to study. There were many subjects and since I wanted to keep them up to date I had to put aside my friends and even my own family. In the middle of the course. When I reconsidered and decided that I wasn’t going to continue with bachillerato. In the remainder of the course I tried to learn as much as possible so that it would not be a wasted year.
    Closing remarks-
    Now I am in a half administrative session and I am very happy and I am getting good grades. I look forward to finishing it and getting into a higher cycle of finance.
    Signing off-
    Thanks for your attention, I hope you are doing well, greetings and see you next time.

    Gabriel Rocha Fernández 1ºB

  29. From: carmela.mrtzg@gmail.com
    To: macarenajdc@gmail.com
    Subject: My last competition.

    Hi Macs,

    How is your week going? I hope good. Mine is fine. I'm talking to you because we didn't talk about my last competition yet.

    My last competition was in August, and it was great! I competed two days and I did it well. I made a lot of friends and we had a great time with friends and horses. It was hot and when we finished the day of competition we all went to a pool together to have fun. And the other day we had diner on a cool restaurant and we eat a lot. Then we came to my house and we did a little pool-party. It was to much fun!

    I wish you were with us, but in the next competition you must come and had a great time with us. We missed you during all the competition.

    Thanks for listen to me, and i hope you and your family are okay. See you the next monday in class!


  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Hey Addison!

    How are you I very well. When was the last time we saw each other?
    Well, I wanted to tell you about a museum we could go to. It's called the Louvre and it's in Paris.
    It opens on Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., while on Wednesdays and Fridays it opens from 9 a.m. to 9:45 p.m. Whenever you want we can go, as long as it is not Tuesday because it is closed! The prices for us would be since we are minors, while adults pay 17 euros online and in the museum 15. There are also more offers. If you want we can also call and tell us. Well I'll tell you more!

    A greeting! Safa

  32. From:sheilafedz@gmail.com
    Subject:the last league game.

    Hey Nicolás,

    How are you and your partner? I hope both of you are well. I´m writing to tellyou how my last league game was.

    The game was on Sunday at 17:00 and we played in Santiago against Victoria. It was the last league game and we were all very nervous because if we won we would be the league champions. The game was very even but, fortunately, just when we thought it was going to end in a tie, we managed to score a goal in the last minute. While we were celebrating the goal madly, the referee whistled the end, leaving us league champions. You can't imagine the party we threw while taking a shower. We had to work hard to get it and the victory was amazing.

    Thank you very much for worrying, I await your response!


  33. From:jorgerami760@gmail.com
    Subject:my travel in switzerland

    Hey Manuel,

    How are you?i'm very well.I'm writting to you about my travel in switzerland.

    When I arrived, my uncle was already waiting for me and we went home quickly so that I could get settled. The week we were there I went to visit, the most outstanding place in the city which is the Kapellbrücke, the chapel bridge, a beautiful wooden bridge from the 14th century, which you can't miss and that together with the Lucerne Cathedral and the monument to the dying lion, are some of the visits you can't miss in the city.

    That's all for now.I hope to see you really soon.


  34. From: Gmail_Inventado_X_Nico@gmail.com
    To: El_Pepe_xD@gmail.com
    Subject: My holidays of summer

    Hi Pepe,
    How did you spend your vacation? I am writing to tell you about my holidays, This year for me these holidays was better than I expected.

    This summer I did many things. while holidays time was passing, I could see my friends .Happily, I could go to the beach and eat roasts . I was doing exercise almost every day when was hardly home. This summer I met great people and I went to many places,these holidays passed quickly.

    I hope you had a good time this summer too and I hope to see you again soon.

    With love,


  35. From: marwakalai75@gmail.com
    To: nickaustin33@gmail.com
    Subject: My trip to California

    Hey Nick,

    How are you? Sorry, I could not write to you before the end of the summer because I had started school and these weeks I have had many exams.

    Well the trip was really cool, I did it with my brother and sister to California.
    We saw some famous people walking around California, we went to Central Park and we also went to Yosemite National Park.
    We also went to eat at the most famous restaurants in that place and at night we walked along the California beach. Atthe end of the trip we buy souvenirs and gifts for our family.
    We had a great time and it is an unforgettable trip!

    I hope that you also had a great time on your end-of-course trip, I hope you are well and that you respond to this message soon.

    A hug,

  36. From: isma.fe.ro.23@gmail.com
    To: samantha54@hotmail.com
    Subject: My operation.

    Hey samantha,

    How are you doing this year? Sorry I cooldn’t write you the last week because I was in the hospital. I was very worried because I has a very complecated operation in my knee, and I’m writting to tell you abaut the operation I had.

    This Sunday morning, I went to the Alvaro Cunqueiro whit my mum. Fortunately the operation went all right and the doctors told me that the operation didn’t have any complication and it took an hour and seventeen minutes.I was very lucky.

    That’s is all of my operation. When you can send me an answer of how are you.

    A hug,

  37. From: rociogonzalez2@gmail.com
    To: susan555@gmail.com
    Subject: My new pet!

    Hi Susan,
    How are you and your family? We are pretty good, because we have amazing news to tell you. We have a new dog in our family!

    I was at my house studying math, the day of my birthday, when my parents told me that they had to leave home for a few hours, so I also left home to meet my friends and distract my mind of the computer and the books.
    Unfortunately, my parents came home whit the dog while I was in the park whit my friends, so I saw my birthday present when I got home, but that wasn´t a big problem because finally, I could see my new dog!

    I think you can see it shortly, if we meet soon. And I promise that I will write you more frequently!

    See you,

    Rocío González González-1ºB

  38. From:andresalvarezperez3@gmail.com
    Subject:My motorcycle

    Hi rober

    Whats up? I'm really good I have an incredible notice.

    Last Friday I went to the house of my grandparents, while I was in the house I was really disgusted because I have the carnet of the motorcycle but I dint got a motorcycle but When I went to my house my parents had a beautiful motorcycle for me. Im really happy.

    I promise you When I can do, I show you.

    A big hug Andrés.

  39. Fom:crisosana3@gmail.com
    To: albertofernandez@hotmail.com
    Subject: A crazzy trip

    Hey Britney,

    How are the things going there? i know that we didn’t talk to much since you leave Tui, but i just wanted to tell you a story, with my mom and my two olders sisters.

    Everything started with me getting out from the bed early,i was hungry,then I decided to ask my mom what we were going eat, she told me that one of my oldest sister will come to go to Portugal. Later, me, my mom and my two oldest sisters, start driving, my mom wanted to go to a street market. My mom thought that the site was very far, the whole trip she was watching the cities. When we start to suspect that we were to far, my sister asked to a woman, where were the site. While my sister was speaking with a girl, my mom saw plants, and she wanted to pick up one. After that, we realized that the place was a ten minutes from our house. We laugh so much that day.

    And that is a normal adventure in my family, i just wanted to tell you, I hope you found it funny.

    I miss you so much

  40. From: rodriguezalvesbea@gmail.com
    Tom: _harianna@hotmail.com
    Subject: My surprise when I returned from a trip.

    Hey Valentina,
    How are you? These months I did not write to you because I was traveling near the Amazon, to study the flora and obviously we did not have internet.
    It was an amazing trip and I learned a lot, but I was very surprised when I returned because the rest of the world was so changed.

    While our plane was landing, they informed us of what happened and I could not believe it. We were in a global pandemic and we did not know anything, imagine our faces when we knew.
    They justified that they did not tell us anything so as not to worry us, but I personally preferred to know and thus make sure that my family was well.
    So while everyone was confined, I was in the jungle looking for information for my project without knowing anything.

    How did you get through your confinement? I guess it must have been a horror.

    Take care,

  41. From: andreamonteagudo4@gmail.com
    To: lara@gmail.com
    Subject: The exam of the last week.

    Hi Lara,

    Sorry I haven't written sooner but I was really busy last week. How are things with you? I haven't heard from for you since Monday. I'm writing to tell you about maths exam.

    I think it turned out pretty well but I'm not sure because while I was doing it a cell phone rang and I was distracted. When the class finished, the teacher gave us 5 more minutes.

    Luckily, I finished all the exam on time and I went. That's all for now, write soon!

    Take care,

  42. From:alexgomezrodriguez@gmail.com
    Subject: My travel in England

    Hi Jorge,

    How are you? sorry for not writing to you earlier, I was traveling in England

    In the travel in Inglaterra, I met new people and new places,luckily I had friends living there so they served as a guide and helped me with everything when I needed

    So if you want to go to England we could both go together and have a good time



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