2 Mar 2019

Jane Elliot's educational experiment (shown in class by Alyse)

My dear students,

since I realised that you were quite impressed by the video shown last week in class regarding the experiment on racism carried out by Jane Elliot in the 1970s, I have decided to insert a link here so that you can take a second look at it.

Just click on these words to enjoy it again.

Have your say about your city (Year 4 ESO)

As a letter addressed to the mayor of your village, town or city (real or imaginary), I am looking forward to reading your opinions about what should that area to become a better place to live in.

Remember you can approach the topic from issues like the environment (pollution, lack of green areas...), security (burglary, pickpocketers, kidnaping...), job opportunities, etc.
Also, bear in mind that you must not only list problems but also offer suggestions to solve them.

 I am sure that if you take it as seriously as you take other social problems, you will do a great job.
Your enthusiasm together with your skills will create a great result.

See you all around.