8 Feb 2017

Writing task Unit 3 for ESO2

Please leave your tasks here by clicking on COMENTARIOS.

Deadline: Monday the 13th of February

See you!


  1. Male Chauvinism:

    The male chauvinism is a big social problem because it causes more than two hundred murders in one year. It exists as a consequence of the belief that men are superior to women. If we don´t stop this problem, more women will be killed.

    I think we should be less tolerant with those men who hit their girlfriends and wives. They must be punished in prison and if they murder, then, they should have life sentences.

    Another way to help reduce this problem could be educating children so they don´t follow any of the sexist ideologies. They must consider both sexes equal.

  2. Great writing, although it is obvious that you have had some help.

    Could you do the same on your own in an exam?

    I hope so.



    In the country thrid-world the poverty is bigger problem than, already who have one condition worse. Die many people all day, childrens and adults.

    The answer af the problem is: donete money, food, help the people... This people need this things more who us.

    Also can go to the countruies anad see the conditions in the whois living and resolve the problems.

    Carlota González

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  5. The sexism

    The sexism is a big problem. Some people think the man is over than the woman. If we don’t stop it, more and more women will dead. We need stop it, because the women is identical to the men, and we wan't any more discrimination.

    A way to end machismo is divide the household chores, educating children against the machismo and in favor of the feminisim...

    The people that abuse to women merit go to prision. You can help warn about a sexist behavior. A lot of men and women need help.


    Animal mistreatment is a big problema.The cause of this happening is that the people is very stressed.If we continue like this,many species of animals will become extinct.

    We could reduce this problem by campaining against animal mistreatment.

    We can also help the animals by collecting food and economic contributions for beet.

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  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    Poverty is a big problem happening all over the world. Every year, many people die because they have no money to eat.

    If we do not do something, many people will die from dehydration, malnutrition and not having homes to sleep. Also if we donate to ong money, they will have help.

    If we all help the poor on the street, they will thank you and we will feel better too. So the poor will suffer less.

  10. Homeless

    Homelees is a big problem. People in the world who don’t have a house.

    The causes are the bad economy,the high prize of housing, the unemployed, and the bad jobs.
    If we don’t have changes,life in the wordl will be worse.

    If we help young people to get a job, It will be less unemployed and we will finish with unemployed too.
    If housing’s prize decrease, It will be less people without house.
    We can also help self-employment.
    The State can build high quality houses cheaper than they build now and to give aids to help homeless people pay a house too.


    Hunger in the world is a very big problem ,because there isn't any money.They also have political problems,lack of food and wars.

    If we give them money and food they could get out of that problem.Unless we do nothing to end this problem they will have more difficulties.

    We can also go to those countries to help them.Wars also hurt the rest of the world


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