11 Dec 2017

Voiced and voiceless sounds

Here you are a link to slideshare where you can learn a bit about the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds, which is key for a good pronunciation of -ed endings.

Writing Task Unit 5 BA&F

Hi there,

please upload your writings dealing with shipping arrangements as a comment to this post.

I look forward to reading them.

10 Dec 2017

Video for the -ed ending for my Business Administration students

Click here for a video explaining you how to pronounce the -ed endings in regular verbs.


I hope you like it and you find it useful for your listening and speaking skills.

Post for the Writing task in Unit 2 for my dear 3 Year Eso students

Sorry for the delay, my beloved students, but finally here it is.

PLEASE attach your writing as a comment if you have not done it yet to any previous post.

I look forward to reading them!