25 Nov 2018

Here you are Theresa May's letter to her fellow citizens

If you feel like doing some true and ultracurrent reading, here you are the link which enables you to access the real document that British Prime Minister Theresa May has written to her fellow British citizens.

This is really good practise of the use of 'will' for the future.

22 Nov 2018

How much do you know about Queen Victoria?

If you feel like discovering what kind of person Victoria was and finding  out about the time when she occupied the English throne, click on this link.

By visiting the website, you will find a podcast with which you can listen to some historians talk about her too.

I hope you learn a lot about probably the most famous of all the British queens and kings.

See ya!

A spy at home

Hi there!

If you are interested in technology and in how it affects our daily lives or lifestyle, you should not miss this Ted talk 

I hope you enjoy it.


13 Nov 2018

Post for my students in Bach semipresencial

Hi there!

Here you are the post for you to write a text describing a person. Remember you must describe this person's appearance (his or her looks) and also his or her personality including some of the adjectives that you have in your book.

As I said in the classroom, your writing must have between 80 and 120 words divided in different paragraphs.

I am sure that you will do a good job so I can't wait to read them.

See you next Monday!

12 Nov 2018

Post for the writing 'A year abroad' by Year 1Bach B

Hello guys!

Please start uploading here your compositions about spending a year in a foreign country.

Post for the writing 'A year abroad' by Year1Bach A

Hi there,

now you can start uploading your compositions here. Remember this is good practice for the exam.