I think that, for example, make a smart bed it´s stupid. Many companies collet our data and this is illegal. As well, There are houses that they are smart, and they are connected to internet and there are small appliances that they are connected to internet, and all that all that makes companies have a lot of economy move. What is happening today with technologies is ridiculous.
Smart bathrooms: "You smell bad, we recommend you take a shower" hahaha, it´s embarrassing. It seems as if they were talking about the future but it´s happening right now! It´s clear that every time we control our lives less and privacy is dissappearing. I think we´re intelligent people and we shouldn´t allow this. Social networks and new technologies are useful but we shouldn´t trust them so much or they will control us more than they already do.
I love that the technologies advance, that means that we also advance. But I think that technologies are turning against us. Each time they collect more data about people, and they create unnecessary things that make us useless. It is as if in our house there was no privacy and we were always surveilance by the technologies.
Lately, there are many more smart devices than a few yeras ago and, like everything, it has pros and cons. On the one hand, if we have one of these we can make our life easier and more comfortable. On the other hand, everything we do could be recorded and used against us.
What is the need to do nothing and live as if we did not know how to do it? A virtual assistant is not an improvement, quite the opposite. This device won’t let you to do anything, even if it could be make coffee.
Eventually, the only thing we are going to get about this is to forget how to do anything, becoming a brainless people.
Lately, there are many more smart devices than a few years ago and, like everything, it has pros and cons. On the one hand, if we have one of these we can make our life easier and more comfortable. On the other hand, everything we do could be recorded and used against us.
What is the need to do nothing and live as if we did not know how to do it? A virtual assistant is not an improvement, quite the opposite. This device won’t let you do anything, even if it’s something as simple as cofee.
Eventually, the only thing we are going to get about this is to forget how to do everything, becoming brainless people.
I belive that this video is very interesting because we can see how the appliances have improved recently. They have improved but they have got worse in some aspects. The good is that we can install all the social networks we want and we can also gather date we need. However, electronic devices watch us all the time and we don't realize. For this reason, we must be careful with new technologies and electric appliances because they affect our privacity.
Well, we can't be surprised about the fact that companies spy us by those gadgets. You just need to search anything you'd like to buy like and then go to any social network, if you check the adverts, you'll notice that is exactly what you were looking for before. Now, the companies probably thought "what if... We develop a rock (ehem google ehem), add an Artificial Intelligence and call it Assistant?" And yep, that's what you get, a rock that turn on you coffee machine, play music, tell bad jokes and make you be lazier than before cause now you just need to say "Alexa! (If you have the Amazon Echo) Turn off the lights!" and yeah the lights will turn off. But you will end without money (this is not cheap), giving information about what you are doing (even in the shower) and then looking idiot when you go to your friend's house and say "Alexa tuen off the lights" and nothing happens cause your friend is not as lazy as you.
So, all this smart things sounds cool, but please, do you really need one? Just stand up and do things by yourself. That's all.
My first impression when I was waching this video about those high-tech devices that spy us,I was like"its so stupid have a bed that every day tell you how you sleep,if you sleep well por not"Come on, humans has enought intelligent to know that,I mean, nowdays it's well known that technologies are essencial in our lives and help us every day.Although this kind of advance of the technologies are ridiculous,its just an excuse to spy us,to know every moment what de do. In my point of view this is a breach of privacy that we dont have to allow itit and less allow those stupid gadgets(such as the bed por the brush teeth) since this advance of technologies take a way that don't improve our lives,this do us more dependents.
In my opinion that devices can see everything we do is bab for us and we have no privacy,so house smart,only serve so companies we monitor and know that they sell better, if a smart bathroom or a smart bed. Then, in my opinion how many less "smart" objects have more privacy in our homes and we will be more comfortable.
Privacy is increasingly disappearing from our own lives. Today's social networks are very important for a person, but we must not allow our identity to be controlled by anyone. It is ridiculous to become controlled or even manipulated by technological elements much more advanced to human persons. Life is a real box of surprises and I think that every time we are going to discover that we have created a world full of stupidities.
Some of these smart devices are just beyond ridiculous. One thing is getting a cute little roomba robot that cleans your house and another is having to enter a password every time you just want to brush your teeth. Technology should be used to help us or make our lives easier like upgrading appliances to make them work better or last longer, instead companies use it to monitor everything we do so they can collect data and make more money. Technological advancements can be very great but only if we stop big corporations from controlling them completely.
This video talks about that new technologies have progressed very fast and this isn't wrong but It could very harmful forma people. One example is that our life could depend on a "Virtual assistant". Which is a virtual assistant? This is a virtual person that helps you but this is very bad because they steal our privacity.
I think that is good to enjoy globalization and new tecnologies.But this can be cause a lot of problems.In adition to restict his use for the people who have got more money, ocasionally can make the use of gadget more dificult insted of faciliting. Because can sounds good to have intelligent devices, like a smart bed or a smart toilet, but what is the useful that we give they in truly? We also risk a loss of personal information.
I thought it would be easier to control everything from the mobile, but no. Everything has complications and I think there are electronic devices such as the smart bed that is not very good idea. It does not seem right to me to be spied on and maybe not be able to be comfortable in your house. I think we have to get used to many technological changes but we can also decide what seems to us the most useful for our house and what does not.
Yes, we will have a lot of microphones into our house, but smart tools aren’t always necessary. Of course if you have a big house, you will probably need a internet-connected security guard but I think that it’s not the case of most of you. Maybe I’m being a naive, but I don’t think so. Nicolás 1 bac A
Technology advances very fast and we are not realizing what this means. All devices are connected to the Internet, although this is not a breakthrough in every way. Appliances connected to the Internet can spy on you and steal information.For example when you are using the computer and another person that you do not know is watching you through the webcam or reading your conversation. Some smart devices are very useful, but others like the smart bed are no good at all.We can't depend on the internet.
Do you really need a toothbrush with a password? And a bed that tells you if you slept good or bad?Okay, the only ones that evolve are the technological devices. I was watching the video and I thought a lot about the fact that they are doing experiments with humans, I thought it was forbidden! In addition, they get our privacy and share it with other companies. Our smart devices really spy on us. Well, a more comfortable life leads to no privacy since they will know everything what you do . As another disadvantage is also the space that the app you need to turn on your devices occupy. I thought that Alexa was a good invention but after hearing about the coffee I had to forget about it (maybe not at all).
The radiation from his house it had to be a lot because in my house my mother never wants to turn on the Wi-Fi unless it is necessary for the electronic radiation what worries her.
I'm very interested in topics that have to do with high technology, and in this video you can see its use at home, but, having so many smart devices in your home, you expose yourself to third party collecting data via microphones and then sending you to your computer, emails with company ads so that you can buy, and so, they can be covered at the expense of your data. In conclusion, these devices are a breakthrough in the technology of our society but we should not abuse since this point to the loss of privacy due to globalization is a step
I believe that new technologies are necessary up to a point. Since the creation of the Internet, people have had the need to have everything as up-to-date as possible. But that smart beds and smart bathrooms is already too much. It's a big stupid.
Nowadays technologies are necessary in our life but I do not think it is essential to have a smart bed. All these things are connected to internet and are invading our privacy. I don´t like the idea of controlling your entire home with your mobile phone, since you have to download many applications and learn phrases, for example to light the coffee machine.
There are very usefull gadgets, but in my opinión, some of that gadgets are so ridiculous like the Smart bed. Companies are taking advantaje of the people who buy the Smart gadget. They are puting a mechanism on the gadgets which can send information of our lifes, as our habits or our privacy. It could be illegal. Companies are earnig a lot of money behind us.
I think . That to have virtual assistant in your own house and to be connected to interner adiverso devices like the mobile, the bed, TV, the kitchen and many more things and you have a super house of the future. I also do not like that the companies scratch what I do because you give a little privacy and I do not want to know what other people do their home and what devices they use and what time they use it. Elvis Abarca Landívar 1ºBACH A
Technology is advancing very fast and this causes great changes. It is true that you can get to create big things, but think that the smart bed is useless, you can not be comfortable in your home, always on the phone. Controlling your entire home with your mobile phone should be very exten sive. Nowadays you have to be very careful with the technologies because they can spy on you, steal information .. It is very important to know how to use the technologies since it is the future.
Today's big technology companies make money because they spy on us continuously. They spy on us when we watch TV, we work through the internet ... Practically everything they sell us has an internet connection, which is absurd. Who can imagine that they also collect information about sex toys. There are things that do not work at all like connecting the bed to the internet. Surely after with shoes we can connect to the Internet.
In my opinion I do not like new technologies.Some are necessary but others are useless, they only serve to spend. Aldo, if everything is done by new technologies, what do we do? We are going to lose our habits, that implies being vaguer, less intelligent and also the fact that someone is observing me does not please me.
I think that new technologies have their advantages, but sometimes they go too far and even spy on us without our noticing. I think this must change because it´s our privacy and companies have no right to invade it. It´s not necessary to have a smart bed or a smart toothbrush. We only run the risk of being cotrolen and crawling our data, I don´t like that idea.
From my point of view, the advance in technology are essentials, even though most people don't keep in mind that their gadgets are connected to Internet, this is to say that they are collecting the data of their owners all time, with the help of cameras, microphones… For example Google records all that we say during the day. Most of smart gadgets are required for our lifestyle, however the idea of a smart bed, a smart house or toothbrush with password are quite unnecessary.
I really like this video. In my opinion connected your home to a virtual assistan, it´s a very bad idea. I think if you have a samrt house you'll lose your privacy because The devices are recording everything to be able to know if we need anything. In summary, the News technologies are advancing very fast but not all gadgets are not essential to live.
I find it exaggerated because i think that is unnecessary a lot of technology in a house.Technology have got a lot of advantages but it have a lot of dangers too. I think that the most of the inventions that they mention are useless in a common life, to sum up in my opinion is surreal that the business are always looking us and removing our privacity only for bussines.
In my opinion, technologies can make our life mor easy from different points of view. But there always has to be an established limit. Our privacy should be more respected, since a failure in the security code of information could cause our information to fall into the wrong hands causing the loss of our privacy
I think that technologies can bring improvements to the world, but we shouldn´t abuse it. Futhermore, a lot of technology would be stressfull and harmfull. In my point of view, we could invent devices that improve our lives and leave useless inventions like smart toilets.
Hi! When it comes to talk about smart devices we tend to think: “Wow, the future!”. However, we don't realise that now is the future. Nowadays, many people are purchasing hi-tech so that their lives become easier and more convenient, as the woman of the video. Actually these are quite cool tools. Thanks to their features they're capable of doing lots of things in your place. This way, it enables you to spend your time in more important issues. On the other hand, this technology has been created to gather some data about your lifestyle. The woman says that it was tough for her living with smart devices due to they're spying you all the time. To be honest, I think technology is improving on a daily basis. Nevertheless, we neither must allow it to invade our privacy nor control every step we take. Bye for now Adriana Reguera González
It is really stupid that toohbrushes have got a password. Nowadays, new tecnologies are very useful, for instance, to look for information or communicate with other people, but over the time tecnologies are turning against us spying on our privacy.
This video is about smart devices which may control our lives since they are installed in our homes, such as smatphones, smart toys, smart refrigerators, etc. This means that you are controlled by them in your own home. Surely, technology is part of our lives nowadays but, from my point of view, this has advantages and disadvantages. I wouldn't like to live in a society where you are not able to decide for yourself. So, technology should be used wisely to avoid the lack of privacy.
In my opinion, new technologies have a lot of advantages but I don't like they spy us. I think this should change because technology is very useful for people who can't do something, but without invading our privacy. I don't like the idea that they might be spying on me.
My first impression when I watched this video about smart devices was that they are here to spy us. From my point of view, this is a lack of privacy , with we don’t have to allow . It doesn’t seem right to me to be spied and not to be able to be confortable in my own house. As everybody knows technology advances very fast and this causes great changes, some of them good and some of them not so good. In the beginning , technologies were developed to make our lives easier , but now we live on them , but this doesn’t justify all the things that are mentioned on the video.
The woman and the man seem that thet talking about the future but this is happening in our days. It's amazing.
Technology is necessary in our days but my question is: are smart homes really necessary? I think they are not. Technology is fine but without excess. I think there are things thet we must continue to do as they have always been done.
In this video you can see many of the disadvantages that new technologies have, although it is true that technology is very necessary for certain things, for example for advances in medicine, communication ... Today we haven’t got privacity enough and this is something that I am desagree. Everyone has the right to privacity and it’s something that they’re taking away from us. INÉS
What this video teaches us is amazing. In the video talks about smart devices and everything they can do. They are able to know things like, for example, how we sleep, our favourite shows o whether you worked from home. In my opinion many of today's technologies are necessary, but I don't think they're so necessary to get to the point of being spied on. This is one thing that I don't think is right because it means that we don't have privacy in our own home since we are spied for technological devices. Technologies have been created to make our lives easier and are gradually taking over thing. That's not right.
The new technologies, as the video says,make our lives easier and more comfortable but through them companies spy on us.
It is not funny that our private information is the object of study for companies. There should be a way to acquire these technologies without jeopardizing our privacy. I also think that having smart devices throughout your home is not a good thing since it makes us more sedentary.
PD:A sex toy that controls orgasms? I don't know whether to laugh or scare me
If the technology advance, our society go forward too. But in my opinion, we should set up a limit for the technology. It could be very useful for people with disabilities who can't do normal activities.Nevertheless, in the smart home's case we risk a lot of personal information. In addition, the smart homes are unnecessary. We shouldn't need someone who reminds us get a shower or brush our teeth. We need to restrict the technology if we want to keep our autonomy.
The video I was watching is about smart devices and the role they have in our homes. Technology is part of our lives nowadays but there are advantages and disadvantages about the use of them, such as lack of privacy. I believe that it is dangerous and I don’t agree with being spied in my own house. This type of society controlled by smart devices would lead us to live in a fictional society to some extent that technology would take over our lives instead in reverse.
My opinion about the video is that sometimes technology instead of improving your life , complicates it. I mean, most of the devices from the smart house do not allow you to have privacy. Besides you have to learn the exact way to handle the devices because if not , it won't work, as the woman said. However this technology has some advantages too , for instance the development of medicine, communication and the easiness of information search. Summing up I think we should be careful with this devices and be able to live without being spied on by this gadgets.
In my opinion, new technologies have many advantages and they can make our lifes easier or better but they also have disadvantages like the fact that they are privating us of some of our privacity and sometimes we use them to creat stupid things like a bed connected to Internet or things like that. And I also don´t like beeing spied on my own home by the objects that are conected to my wifi. Sometimes technology goes too far.So if we want to make the world better, we should think about what is better for everyone and not for the companies that spy us every day.
In my opinion the two boys in the video are quite right. I wouldn't have a digital house because I don't want to be controlled in everything I do. I don't like a machine controlling when I sleep, when I turn on the TV, or the programs I watch on it. That the technologies advance is fine but I do not like that they can control us in our day to day An example is that if for example or for some reason something fails and they steal the information, they can use it against you.
These days, technology is going inside our lifes and making things better. On one hand , this is really good because it makes everything easier but lately, technology is controlling our lifes. Do they need to know what we do at all times? Do they have to know what we like or not? I was surprised how an app can help you control everything and at the same time control you. We must be aware that we are selling our lifes and privacy in Exchange of a little of comfort.
Nowadays most of the people have electronic devices in their houses but very few people realize that most of them are "spying" us. And in this way all the enterprises know what things do we like. It's very difficult to know which device has a camera or a microphone. But we have to live with this.
Today’s technologies can be too stressful. The robots that we have at home some people, like the girl in the girl in the video, who tells us about the router, the coffee maker, the robots that cleans the house… they are always watching us and they don’t let you have privacy in your live. On the one hand it is fine, because if you get tired of work or do not feel like doing anything, with robots you can remove all the work from just talking to them or in the case of the one who cleans press a button and activate it.
This is the Perfect example that nowadays people are having less and less privacy, as the video said they recolect our information for the market and can know when we watch tv, how many hours etc... Having internet conexion to all hour electronic devices it is not a good idea
The video is interesting because it warns of the good and bad things about technology. Talk about how technology in these times can control everything.
Technology related words: Dispositives, internet, connection, net, router.
It´s great that technology advances. It´s helps us daily,at work,school… It can be very useful for daily life,for many people with disabilities,the advancement in medicine and millions of other things,but it has disadvantages such as the little privacy we currently have with it and we don´t like this.You can´t live well with a machine that is controlling you at all hours every step you take.
I'm going to say one of the most important odea who appears in this video. The girl say that all of the techno "instruments" are watching us, listen to us, analyzing our routine movements; and this is not good because anyone who wants to know what we do, they can do it only with entering the system, that is, hacking it, in order to find out everything about us. This is the principal problem that us, as a society, we have to face.
New technologies do not always mean something good. For example, devices that we use every day like phones, are listening to us all the time. There are more and more technological devices in our lives, which poses a risk to our privacy. We all use them because thanks to the most we can lead an easier and more comfortable life. But comfort shouldn’t be our only concern. We should think more about our security and privacy, because we are being spied on us and we do nothing about it.
This video is very interesting but in my opinion technology is making our privacy disappear more and more. Technology serves to make our lives easier, not to complicate it by putting passwords to the brush or making a smart bed. I don´t like this idea.
The video is a clear example that the more technology we use, the less privacy we will have. I would not like my life to be controlled in such a way, and even to depend on technology. It is true that it could sometimes facilitate some tasks, but it seems crazy to me.
I am not against advanced technologies but I believe that technologies have more data about us and that can be negative in our lives. It is as if they were watching us all the time and we did not have prvacity in our homes.
My opinion is that new technologies don´t harm anyone if you know how to use them properly. What happens is that in this video they use technology for something as simple as brushing their teeth. They use technologies in useless things and not for important things. What makes your privacy less.
I think it's stupid that everything is connected to your private data that they know where you are, what you are doing if you slept well or not, and that to use your brush you have to put a password. I like that the technology advances but does not have to know everything and that they control us.
Today the technology has advanced a lot, in fact there are already zepillos that need a password, beds that tell you how many hours you have to sleep or refrigerators that tell you to eat since what hours, that is, technologies have gradually dominated us and taking away our freedoms a little as they influence us in many areas of our lives, whether we want to or not too.
I think that, for example, make a smart bed it´s stupid. Many companies collet our data and this is illegal. As well, There are houses that they are smart, and they are connected to internet and there are small appliances that they are connected to internet, and all that all that makes companies have a lot of economy move. What is happening today with technologies is ridiculous.
ReplyDeleteSmart bathrooms: "You smell bad, we recommend you take a shower" hahaha, it´s embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteIt seems as if they were talking about the future but it´s happening right now!
It´s clear that every time we control our lives less and privacy is dissappearing.
I think we´re intelligent people and we shouldn´t allow this. Social networks and new technologies are useful but we shouldn´t trust them so much or they will control us more than they already do.
ReplyDeleteI love that the technologies advance, that means that we also advance. But I think that technologies are turning against us. Each time they collect more data about people, and they create unnecessary things that make us useless. It is as if in our house there was no privacy and we were always surveilance by the technologies.
Lately, there are many more smart devices than a few yeras ago and, like everything, it has pros and cons. On the one hand, if we have one of these we can make our life easier and more comfortable. On the other hand, everything we do could be recorded and used against us.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the need to do nothing and live as if we did not know how to do it? A virtual assistant is not an improvement, quite the opposite. This device won’t let you to do anything, even if it could be make coffee.
Eventually, the only thing we are going to get about this is to forget how to do anything, becoming a brainless people.
Lately, there are many more smart devices than a few years ago and, like everything, it has pros and cons. On the one hand, if we have one of these we can make our life easier and more comfortable. On the other hand, everything we do could be recorded and used against us.
DeleteWhat is the need to do nothing and live as if we did not know how to do it? A virtual assistant is not an improvement, quite the opposite. This device won’t let you do anything, even if it’s something as simple as cofee.
Eventually, the only thing we are going to get about this is to forget how to do everything, becoming brainless people.
I belive that this video is very interesting because we can see how the appliances have improved recently. They have improved but they have got worse in some aspects.
ReplyDeleteThe good is that we can install all the social networks we want and we can also gather date we need.
However, electronic devices watch us all the time and we don't realize. For this reason, we must be careful with new technologies and electric appliances because they affect our privacity.
Candela Fusaro González, 1ºBACH B
Well, we can't be surprised about the fact that companies spy us by those gadgets. You just need to search anything you'd like to buy like and then go to any social network, if you check the adverts, you'll notice that is exactly what you were looking for before.
ReplyDeleteNow, the companies probably thought "what if... We develop a rock (ehem google ehem), add an Artificial Intelligence and call it Assistant?"
And yep, that's what you get, a rock that turn on you coffee machine, play music, tell bad jokes and make you be lazier than before cause now you just need to say "Alexa! (If you have the Amazon Echo) Turn off the lights!" and yeah the lights will turn off.
But you will end without money (this is not cheap), giving information about what you are doing (even in the shower) and then looking idiot when you go to your friend's house and say "Alexa tuen off the lights" and nothing happens cause your friend is not as lazy as you.
So, all this smart things sounds cool, but please, do you really need one?
Just stand up and do things by yourself.
That's all.
Turn* (why I can't edit it :c)
DeleteMy first impression when I was waching this video about those high-tech devices that spy us,I was like"its so stupid have a bed that every day tell you how you sleep,if you sleep well por not"Come on, humans has enought intelligent to know that,I mean, nowdays it's well known that technologies are essencial in our lives and help us every day.Although this kind of advance of the technologies are ridiculous,its just an excuse to spy us,to know every moment what de do.
ReplyDeleteIn my point of view this is a breach of privacy that we dont have to allow itit and less allow those stupid gadgets(such as the bed por the brush teeth) since this advance of technologies take a way that don't improve our lives,this do us more dependents.
In my opinion that devices can see everything we do is bab for us and we have no privacy,so house smart,only serve so companies we monitor and know that they sell better, if a smart bathroom or a smart bed.
ReplyDeleteThen, in my opinion how many less "smart" objects have more privacy in our homes and we will be more comfortable.
Alejandro Fernández Álvarez 1°Bac B
Privacy is increasingly disappearing from our own lives.
ReplyDeleteToday's social networks are very important for a person, but we must not allow our identity to be controlled by anyone.
It is ridiculous to become controlled or even manipulated by technological elements much more advanced to human persons.
Life is a real box of surprises and I think that every time we are going to discover that we have created a world full of stupidities.
Some of these smart devices are just beyond ridiculous. One thing is getting a cute little roomba robot that cleans your house and another is having to enter a password every time you just want to brush your teeth. Technology should be used to help us or make our lives easier like upgrading appliances to make them work better or last longer, instead companies use it to monitor everything we do so they can collect data and make more money. Technological advancements can be very great but only if we stop big corporations from controlling them completely.
ReplyDeleteThis video talks about that new technologies have progressed very fast and this isn't wrong but It could very harmful forma people.
ReplyDeleteOne example is that our life could depend on a "Virtual assistant".
Which is a virtual assistant?
This is a virtual person that helps you but this is very bad because they steal our privacity.
Álvaro Arias Rodríguez 1°BACH B
I think that is good to enjoy globalization and new tecnologies.But this can be cause a lot of problems.In adition to restict his use for the people who have got more money, ocasionally can make the use of gadget more dificult insted of faciliting. Because can sounds good to have intelligent devices, like a smart bed or a smart toilet, but what is the useful that we give they in truly? We also risk a loss of personal information.
ReplyDeleteNoelia 1° BAC A.
I thought it would be easier to control everything from the mobile, but no.
ReplyDeleteEverything has complications and I think there are electronic devices such as the smart bed that is not very good idea.
It does not seem right to me to be spied on and maybe not be able to be comfortable in your house. I think we have to get used to many technological changes but we can also decide what seems to us the most useful for our house and what does not.
Yes, we will have a lot of microphones into our house, but smart tools aren’t always necessary. Of course if you have a big house, you will probably need a internet-connected security guard but I think that it’s not the case of most of you.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I’m being a naive, but I don’t think so.
Nicolás 1 bac A
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteTechnology advances very fast and we are not realizing what this means. All devices are connected to the Internet, although this is not a breakthrough in every way. Appliances connected to the Internet can spy on you and steal information.For example when you are using the computer and another person that you do not know is watching you through the webcam or reading your conversation.
ReplyDeleteSome smart devices are very useful, but others like the smart bed are no good at all.We can't depend on the internet.
Iago Lopez Vazquez 1 BAC A
ReplyDeleteDo you really need a toothbrush with a password? And a bed that tells you if you slept good or bad?Okay, the only ones that evolve are the technological devices.
I was watching the video and I thought a lot about the fact that they are doing experiments with humans, I thought it was forbidden! In addition, they get our privacy and share it with other companies. Our smart devices really spy on us. Well, a more comfortable life leads to no privacy since they will know everything what you do . As another disadvantage is also the space that the app you need to turn on your devices occupy. I thought that Alexa was a good invention but after hearing about the coffee I had to forget about it (maybe not at all).
The radiation from his house it had to be a lot because in my house my mother never wants to turn on the Wi-Fi unless it is necessary for the electronic radiation what worries her.
Well, good video. It was so interesting. Bye.
Lucía González Pérez
I'm very interested in topics that have to do with high technology, and in this video you can see its use at home, but, having so many smart devices in your home, you expose yourself to third party collecting data via microphones and then sending you to your computer, emails with company ads so that you can buy, and so, they can be covered at the expense of your data. In conclusion, these devices are a breakthrough in the technology of our society but we should not abuse since this point to the loss of privacy due to globalization is a step
ReplyDeleteI believe that new technologies are necessary up to a point. Since the creation of the Internet, people have had the need to have everything as up-to-date as possible. But that smart beds and smart bathrooms is already too much. It's a big stupid.
ReplyDeleteHéctor Meireles Machado 1 BAC A
Nowadays technologies are necessary in our life but I do not think it is essential to have a smart bed. All these things are connected to internet and are invading our privacy.
ReplyDeleteI don´t like the idea of controlling your entire home with your mobile phone, since you have to download many applications and learn phrases, for example to light the coffee machine.
Alicia Fernández 1ºBACH A
There are very usefull gadgets, but in my opinión, some of that gadgets are so ridiculous like the Smart bed.
ReplyDeleteCompanies are taking advantaje of the people who buy the Smart gadget. They are puting a mechanism on the gadgets which can send information of our lifes, as our habits or our privacy. It could be illegal. Companies are earnig a lot of money behind us.
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ReplyDeleteI think .
ReplyDeleteThat to have virtual assistant in your own house and to be connected to interner adiverso devices like the mobile, the bed, TV, the kitchen and many more things and you have a super house of the future. I also do not like that the companies scratch what I do because you give a little privacy and I do not want to know what other people do their home and what devices they use and what time they use it.
Elvis Abarca Landívar 1ºBACH A
Technology is advancing very fast and this causes great changes.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that you can get to create big things, but think that the smart bed is useless, you can not be comfortable in your home, always on the phone.
Controlling your entire home with your mobile phone should be very exten sive.
Nowadays you have to be very careful with the technologies because they can spy on you, steal information ..
It is very important to know how to use the technologies since it is the future.
Miriam Valle Blanco 1º BACH A
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ReplyDeleteToday's big technology companies make money because they spy on us continuously. They spy on us when we watch TV, we work through the internet ...
ReplyDeletePractically everything they sell us has an internet connection, which is absurd. Who can imagine that they also collect information about sex toys. There are things that do not work at all like connecting the bed to the internet. Surely after with shoes we can connect to the Internet.
by IsmaeL AbaRcA 1ª BACH A
In my opinion I do not like new technologies.Some are necessary but others are useless, they only serve to spend. Aldo, if everything is done by new technologies, what do we do? We are going to lose our habits, that implies being vaguer, less intelligent and also the fact that someone is observing me does not please me.
ReplyDeleteI think that new technologies have their advantages, but sometimes they go too far and even spy on us without our noticing.
ReplyDeleteI think this must change because it´s our privacy and companies have no right to invade it.
It´s not necessary to have a smart bed or a
smart toothbrush. We only run the risk of being cotrolen and crawling our data, I don´t like that idea.
Laura García Prieto 1 BAC A
From my point of view, the advance in technology are essentials, even though most people don't keep in mind that their gadgets are connected to Internet, this is to say that they are collecting the data of their owners all time, with the help of cameras, microphones… For example Google records all that we say during the day.
ReplyDeleteMost of smart gadgets are required for our lifestyle, however the idea of a smart bed, a smart house or toothbrush with password are quite unnecessary.
Álex Álvarez Moldes 1º BAC A
I really like this video. In my opinion connected your home to a virtual assistan, it´s a very bad idea. I think if you have a samrt house you'll lose your privacy because The devices are recording everything to be able to know if we need anything.
ReplyDeleteIn summary, the News technologies are advancing very fast but not all gadgets are not essential to live.
Antonio Fernández Vázquez 1º BACH. A
I find it exaggerated because i think that is unnecessary a lot of technology in a house.Technology have got a lot of advantages but it have a lot of dangers too.
ReplyDeleteI think that the most of the inventions that they mention are useless in a common life, to sum up in my opinion is surreal that the business are always looking us and removing our privacity only for bussines.
In my opinion, technologies can make our life mor easy from different points of view. But there always has to be an established limit.
ReplyDeleteOur privacy should be more respected, since a failure in the security code of information could cause our information to fall into the wrong hands causing the loss of our privacy
I think that technologies can bring improvements to the world, but we shouldn´t abuse it. Futhermore, a lot of technology would be stressfull and harmfull. In my point of view, we could invent devices that improve our lives and leave useless inventions like smart toilets.
ReplyDeleteVíctor Fernández Rodríguez 1ºA Bach
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to talk about smart devices we tend to think: “Wow, the future!”. However, we don't realise that now is the future.
Nowadays, many people are purchasing hi-tech so that their lives become easier and more convenient, as the woman of the video. Actually these are quite cool tools. Thanks to their features they're capable of doing lots of things in your place. This way, it enables you to spend your time in more important issues.
On the other hand, this technology has been created to gather some data about your lifestyle. The woman says that it was tough for her living with smart devices due to they're spying you all the time.
To be honest, I think technology is improving on a daily basis. Nevertheless, we neither must allow it to invade our privacy nor control every step we take.
Bye for now
Adriana Reguera González
It is really stupid that toohbrushes have got a password. Nowadays, new tecnologies are very useful, for instance, to look for information or communicate with other people, but over the time tecnologies are turning against us spying on our privacy.
ReplyDeleteMarta Álvarez Vidal 1 Bach B
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ReplyDeleteThis video is about smart devices which may control our lives since they are installed in our homes, such as smatphones, smart toys, smart refrigerators, etc. This means that you are controlled by them in your own home.
ReplyDeleteSurely, technology is part of our lives nowadays but, from my point of view, this has advantages and disadvantages.
I wouldn't like to live in a society where you are not able to decide for yourself. So, technology should be used wisely to avoid the lack of privacy.
In my opinion, new technologies have a lot of advantages but I don't like they spy us. I think this should change because technology is very useful for people who can't do something, but without invading our privacy.
ReplyDeleteI don't like the idea that they might be spying on me.
Marta Da Silva, 1 Bach B.
My first impression when I watched this video about smart devices was that they are here to spy us. From my point of view, this is a lack of privacy , with we don’t have to allow . It doesn’t seem right to me to be spied and not to be able to be confortable in my own house. As everybody knows technology advances very fast and this causes great changes, some of them good and some of them not so good. In the beginning , technologies were developed to make our lives easier , but now we live on them , but this doesn’t justify all the things that are mentioned on the video.
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ReplyDeleteThe woman and the man seem that thet talking about the future but this is happening in our days. It's amazing.
ReplyDeleteTechnology is necessary in our days but my question is: are smart homes really necessary? I think they are not. Technology is fine but without excess. I think there are things thet we must continue to do as they have always been done.
In this video you can see many of the disadvantages that new technologies have, although it is true that technology is very necessary for certain things, for example for advances in medicine, communication ... Today we haven’t got privacity enough and this is something that I am desagree. Everyone has the right to privacity and it’s something that they’re taking away from us.
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ReplyDeleteWhat this video teaches us is amazing. In the video talks about smart devices and everything they can do. They are able to know things like, for example, how we sleep, our favourite shows o whether you worked from home. In my opinion many of today's technologies are necessary, but I don't think they're so necessary to get to the point of being spied on. This is one thing that I don't think is right because it means that we don't have privacy in our own home since we are spied for technological devices. Technologies have been created to make our lives easier and are gradually taking over thing. That's not right.
The new technologies, as the video says,make our lives easier and more comfortable but through them companies spy on us.
ReplyDeleteIt is not funny that our private information is the object of study for companies. There should be a way to acquire these technologies without jeopardizing our privacy.
I also think that having smart devices throughout your home is not a good thing since it makes us more sedentary.
PD:A sex toy that controls orgasms? I don't know whether to laugh or scare me
If the technology advance, our society go forward too. But in my opinion, we should set up a limit for the technology. It could be very useful for people with disabilities who can't do normal activities.Nevertheless, in the smart home's case we risk a lot of personal information. In addition, the smart homes are unnecessary. We shouldn't need someone who reminds us get a shower or brush our teeth. We need to restrict the technology if we want to keep our autonomy.
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ReplyDeleteThe video I was watching is about smart devices and the role they have in our homes. Technology is part of our lives nowadays but there are advantages and disadvantages about the use of them, such as lack of privacy. I believe that it is dangerous and I don’t agree with being spied in my own house. This type of society controlled by smart devices would lead us to live in a fictional society to some extent that technology would take over our lives instead in reverse.
ReplyDeleteEsther 1 Bach A
My opinion about the video is that sometimes technology instead of improving your life , complicates it. I mean, most of the devices from the smart house do not allow you to have privacy. Besides you have to learn the exact way to handle the devices because if not , it won't work, as the woman said.
ReplyDeleteHowever this technology has some advantages too , for instance the development of medicine, communication and the easiness of information search.
Summing up I think we should be careful with this devices and be able to live without being spied on by this gadgets.
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ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, new technologies have many advantages and they can make our lifes easier or better but they also have disadvantages like the fact that they are privating us of some of our privacity and sometimes we use them to creat stupid things like a bed connected to Internet or things like that. And I also don´t like beeing spied on my own home by the objects that are conected to my wifi.
ReplyDeleteSometimes technology goes too far.So if we want to make the world better, we should think about what is better for everyone and not for the companies that spy us every day.
In my opinion the two boys in the video are quite right. I wouldn't have a digital house because I don't want to be controlled in everything I do.
ReplyDeleteI don't like a machine controlling when I sleep, when I turn on the TV, or the programs I watch on it.
That the technologies advance is fine but I do not like that they can control us in our day to day
An example is that if for example or for some reason something fails and they steal the information, they can use it against you.
These days, technology is going inside our lifes and making things better.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand , this is really good because it makes everything easier but lately, technology is controlling our lifes. Do they need to know what we do at all times? Do they have to know what we like or not? I was surprised how an app can help you control everything and at the same time control you. We must be aware that we are selling our lifes and privacy in Exchange of a little of comfort.
Nowadays most of the people have electronic devices in their houses but very few people realize that most of them are "spying" us. And in this way all the enterprises know what things do we like. It's very difficult to know which device has a camera or a microphone. But we have to live with this.
ReplyDeleteToday’s technologies can be too stressful. The robots that we have at home some people, like the girl in the girl in the video, who tells us about the router, the coffee maker, the robots that cleans the house… they are always watching us and they don’t let you have privacy in your live. On the one hand it is fine, because if you get tired of work or do not feel like doing anything, with robots you can remove all the work from just talking to them or in the case of the one who cleans press a button and activate it.
ReplyDeleteThis is the Perfect example that nowadays people are having less and less privacy, as the video said they recolect our information for the market and can know when we watch tv, how many hours etc...
ReplyDeleteHaving internet conexion to all hour electronic devices it is not a good idea
The video is interesting because it warns of the good and bad things about technology. Talk about how technology in these times can control everything.
ReplyDeleteTechnology related words:
Dispositives, internet, connection, net, router.
It´s great that technology advances. It´s helps us daily,at work,school…
ReplyDeleteIt can be very useful for daily life,for many people with disabilities,the advancement in medicine and millions of other things,but it has disadvantages such as the little privacy we currently have with it and we don´t like this.You can´t live well with a machine that is controlling you at all hours every step you take.
I'm going to say one of the most important odea who appears in this video. The girl say that all of the techno "instruments" are watching us, listen to us, analyzing our routine movements; and this is not good because anyone who wants to know what we do, they can do it only with entering the system, that is, hacking it, in order to find out everything about us. This is the principal problem that us, as a society, we have to face.
ReplyDeleteNew technologies do not always mean something good. For example, devices that we use every day like phones, are listening to us all the time.
ReplyDeleteThere are more and more technological devices in our lives, which poses a risk to our privacy.
We all use them because thanks to the most we can lead an easier and more comfortable life. But comfort shouldn’t be our only concern.
We should think more about our security and privacy, because we are being spied on us and we do nothing about it.
This video is very interesting but in my opinion technology is making our privacy disappear more and more. Technology serves to make our lives easier, not to complicate it by putting passwords to the brush or making a smart bed. I don´t like this idea.
ReplyDeleteThe video is a clear example that the more technology we use, the less privacy we will have. I would not like my life to be controlled in such a way, and even to depend on technology. It is true that it could sometimes facilitate some tasks, but it seems crazy to me.
ReplyDeleteI am not against advanced technologies but I believe that technologies have more data about us and that can be negative in our lives.
ReplyDeleteIt is as if they were watching us all the time and we did not have prvacity in our homes.
My opinion is that new technologies don´t harm anyone if you know how to use them properly. What happens is that in this video they use technology for something as simple as brushing their teeth. They use technologies in useless things and not for important things. What makes your privacy less.
ReplyDeleteI think it's stupid that everything is connected to your private data that they know where you are, what you are doing if you slept well or not, and that to use your brush you have to put a password. I like that the technology advances but does not have to know everything and that they control us.
ReplyDeleteToday the technology has advanced a lot, in fact there are already zepillos that need a password, beds that tell you how many hours you have to sleep or refrigerators that tell you to eat since what hours, that is, technologies have gradually dominated us and taking away our freedoms a little as they influence us in many areas of our lives, whether we want to or not too.