2 Jun 2020

Información para 2º de ESO

Hola chicos,

como sabéis, el pasado domingo 31 de mayo acabó el plazo para la realización de las actvidades correspondientes a la Unidad 2.

Ahora toca ponerse con la Unidad 3 y tenéis hasta el próximo jueves día 11 de junio. Seguimos haciendo el mismo reparto:

a) Los que tienen la 2ª evaluación aprobada: los que están usando el libro interactivo, seguirán con él y harán las actividades tanto de vocabulario como de gramática de la unidad 3. Los que prefieren seguir usando el libro en papel harán del Student's Book los ejercicios 5, 7, 8 de la página 35 y los ejercicios 5,6 y 7 de la 37  y me lo enviarán escaneado, como hasta ahora.

b) Los que tienen la segunda suspensa: Harán los mismos ejercicios del Student's Book que el grupo anterior y además el ejercicio 2 de la página 41 sobre el texto del turismo.
Esta vez no hay redacción.

A los que me entregasteis las tareas de la unidad 2 escaneadas os iré contestando estos días.
Los que estáis con el Libro Interactivo no os preocupéis, que ya veo lo que hacéis.

Un saludo a todos y manos a la obra!


  1. Unit 1:
    1 .
    1-never / present simple
    2-now/present continuous
    3-ever day /present simple
    4-usually/ present simple
    5-at the momento/present continous
    6-to day/ present continous
    2 .
    2-am not going
    3-are studying
    4-aren´t studying
    5- Working
    3 .
    a. We are planning a party at the moment
    b. We often plan a party for mum´s birttday
    a. Blackie is wants to go outside now
    b. Bleckie wants to go outside every mornig
    a. The students don´t use paints twice
    b. The baby isn´t paints nou
    a.my best friend usually help me in our maths lessons
    b. my best friend is helping me with maths night now
    a. Are you reading the newpaper at the moment ?
    b. Do you read the newpaper every day?
    a. I always don’t understand the science homework
    b. I am not understand this homework. Can you explain it?
    4 .
    1 – there is a globe in the classroom
    2 – there are reaths problems an the board
    3 – there is a apboand next to the door
    4 – there are students in the classroom
    5 – there aeren´t many teachers in the clasroom
    6 – there is a snowman outside
    7 – there isn´t any paper on lana´s desk
    5 .
    1 – is there a book in dianas´s hand ?
    2 – are there any green desks in the classroom
    3 – is there any snow outside
    4 – is there an danger compater on larry´s desk
    5 – are there any notbooks on the floor
    6 .
    1 – An
    2 –any
    3 – any
    4- an
    5 – a
    8 .
    1- Many
    2- Much
    3- Many
    4- Much
    5- Many

    Steven Paul Jobs , was born February 24, 1955 and he died in
    October 5, 2001. He was American. He bécame a businessman
    and he invented many things:

    Jobs and his friend Wozniakco-founded Apple in 1976 . Apple is
    a very big computer company. Many people have phones and
    tablets inveted by Steve Jobs.
    He had a wife and three children. He was the owner of the Pixar
    animation studio. Some of the famous films of Pixar are: The
    Incredibles, A Bug’s Life, Monsters Inc., and Toy Story.
    He loved music and enjoyed listening to music. One of his
    favourite artists was Bob Dylan, and could play the guitar.
    Jobs was a vegan since the age of 19.
    I like him and I admire him because I think that he was a great
    man with an incredible vision of the future.

    Carlos Anta


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