8 Oct 2020

Smart homes (Unit 1: Tech Time)

 Hi there my dear students,

As I told you in the morning, here you are the link to the Ted Talk on smarthouses. Just click on the blue link and you will access the talk.

I hope you like it. Do not forget to leave a comment to share your opinion.

See ya!


  1. Hi,this listening is entetaining. It talks about actual an interesting things.
    Smart things always are arround us and we don't realize cause we are accustomed.
    I don't want a house with many smarts things because it's not necesary and it scares me a little bit because I think someone is spying on me.
    I don't know what else say so... goodbye!

    1. I,m Carmela Martínez Gómez, I forgot to put it in the text

  2. Hi!

    In my opinion it is not necessary to have many smarthouses at home, simply the most basic.
    As they say in the video you can be more controlled than you think, so we have to be careful with the smarthouses we use, but sometimes they can help us.
    In conclusion, we most inform well before using smarthouses.

    Goodbye, Antía Núñez Arós.

  3. Hello, I'm Maria Fernández Barrientos and I think this dialog are very interesting, because they are talking about a very curious topic and a little strange.
    I think that on the one hand it is good, since it helps us with daily life, but on the other hand, to what extent do things in the house control you?

  4. Hello, I’m Clara García Ponte.

    I think that they are right. Nowadays, a lot of people have some technology things at home. In my case, I have the Echo dot too, when I bought her, I thought she was going to listen to me all the time. Now I use it frecuently and I forget a littlebit what I was thinking.

    Technology helps us a lot in our lives. Without it, our lives would be a little more difficult.

  5. I think the biggest problem with smarthouses is precisely the one mentioned, which treats buyers as a statistical graph on which to base to sell more products.

    It is the decition of each one to submit to this constant supervition or not, but there are certain activities in which we do not need technology (like when we are sleeping) and it should continue to be that way.

    Óscar Mirás

  6. People evolve, things evolve as well. Smart homes are a revolution, that sooner or later, they are going to come to stay. But like everything, they have bad things, but those bad things are hidden, hidden by the companies.

    Is it necessary to control everything we do just for data? Can´t they question us that things, giving us the opportunity to not answer? It shoudl also be said that we are a little bit hypocrite, most of the companies had terms of service, but how many people read that kilometrics and boring texts?

    César bravo𓅓

  7. Hi!
    In my opinion I would not have a smarthouse because I would not have any kind of privacy and I would be watched all day, with a lot of people controlling every movement I make. Also, all those technological devices tend to fail from time to time and you would waste more time solving the problem than doing things yourself.

    Lucía Crespo Rodríguez 1ºA Bac

  8. Hello, I´m Almudena Muñoz Besada.
    I think it is good to have technology and smart devices in our lives, but I also think it is not necessary to have everything under smart devices.
    Smart homes can be an amazing idea for many people, but not for others. Technology helps us in our life and makes it more comfortable but I would feel watched during all the time and I would don´t like it.
    I think it´s a good conference. Goodbay!

  9. Hello, I'm Cristina Muñoz Álvarez.
    The video was very interesting and I was sorprised, because it said a lot of things that I didn't know. For example, I was ignore that smart devices comunicate between them and when they say that companies know when we use the TV, this suprised me. I don't know that smart teethbrushes existed, really, in my opinion this is excessive.
    Smart devices can be very dangerous, but they can help us, too. We must be conscious of this to prevent future problems.

  10. These types of talks make us think about the broad use we make of the Internet in our day to day.

    These types of talks make us think about the great use we make of the Internet in our day to day.

    I don´t think it is necessary to have machines throughout the house that spy on you, collect private information that you do not know where it goes or make your coffee without having to get out of bed.

    After all, if we continue to give so much importance to technology, we woudn´t know how to do anything on our own and we will always have to depend on it.

    Amalia Acuña

  11. Hello! In my opinion the dialog is very interesting because it talks about a problem that we are not very aware of and that is how very controlled we are. Even so they continue to help us day by day.

    Andrea Monteagudo Rodríguez.

  12. Hi, my name is Nico from 1º B A-levels.
    Having a smart house seems pretty crazy to me, but it exists and that’s the reality, one of the problems that I contemplate is that there’s like a certain constant surveillance and they use that to be able to sell more products.

  13. Hi! i would be able to have a smart house, because i love how that's make me feel when everything is connect and just with one word the house start working, i don't care about those problems, i know the risks and the consequences.

    Ana Domínguez Crisóstomo 1º Bach A

  14. Hello, I'm Alex Barros Ybias from 1º Bach A.
    In my opinion the smarts house are dangerous, because the hackers and the employees of the smart product companies can spy your actions. I wouldn't have many smart products, because of the little privacy.
    Although companies want data, this method is embarassing, without consent it is wrong to do so.
    I'm not saying that the technologies are bad, I'm just saying that without a little security it is dangerous, and having several, the danger increases.

  15. Hello! I'm Marwa Kalai Jamai.

    This video seems very interesting and that many more people should see it, because we have to realize that not all electronic and domestic devices are to be trusted.

    This video also serves so that if one day someone is going to buy an electronic device for the home, they should pay attention to which one they buy.

    And I also think that people are getting too carried away by new technologies without realizing the damage they do us.

  16. Hello, I'm María Suárez-Llanos Areses.

    In my opinion, I think that new technologies have brought many benefits to our lives, we could practically not imagine our lives without internet, or without a microwave; but many times we forget that they not only bring benefits and comforts to our lives, and that it is not only the fact that they can hear or see us It's also the use we decide to give it.
    I liked the conference. I think it's a great way to learn English!

  17. Hi, I'm Safa and this is my opinion about this video. This device seems to me to be the clear visualization of the future and how it will be. It also seems stupid at the same time, since controlling your house and your life with those things is even dangerous.

  18. Even tho i understand why people will like living in a house where everything is connected to internet I hate the idea of it. I think having all that home appliances telling companies about everiyhyng you do (or even you don't) it's totally terrible, definitely not for me.
    I wish that companies asked people for permission to get all that personal information, that way people will have the opportunity of choosing if they want to share the information and "intelligents houses" woudn't sound so bad.

    I found the conference really interesting, I liked it a lot.

    Marta Muñoz.

  19. I think that the talk is very interesting, because the smart homes are more and more frequent. Now, every mobile phone has applications for control practically every household appliance, and although this sounds good, we are exposing ourselves to the big companies collecting our data more easily, because our devices are listening and sharing our information, and every day we have less privacy.
    But I also think that the smart homes are very useful if we give them a good use, and they can facilitate a lot of aspects of our life, and make it easier.
    Rocío González González 1B

  20. Hello I'm Andrés Álvarez I watch the talk and is very interesting, I love the technology and this video talks about the technology in the houses. In the video she talks about Alexa, in my opinion Alexa is very useful but we doesn't Know how is it going the technology and is scared but I loved.

    Good bye

  21. ¡Hola!
    Bueno en mi opinión no tendría una casa inteligente porque me sentiría controlada constantemente, creo que hay cosas que es mejor hacerlas por ti mismo porque las máquinas no comprenden ciertos aspectos del ser humano.
    Leimy Tatiana Duarte Holguín, 1°A

  22. Hello,I'm Artur, this video is interesting because it talks about the different electronic devices that we can have at home, but there you have to careful because many devices know more about you than you about them.

  23. Hello I am Ismael Felgueiras.
    In my opinion, these products should be prohibited since they are not used in a good way, or on the contrary you should see an increase in control and put some rules that prevent the use of our information.


  24. Hi! I am Yolanda Gómez Martínez and I have come to give my opinion on this video.

    It is quite interesting, but we are all aware of what all the objects that go on the Internet do, I think it is necessary that they do it to make products to our tastes but up to a point, since knowing what we do with a product of use sex isn't okay, because they don't respect our intimacies and they should have a set of rules.

  25. This video clearly shows both sides of technology: on the one hand it is very useful in everyday life, you can do almost anything. But there is also the bad part, they can spy on you every minute that passes.
    I think it's good to use it, but not too much, you have to know how to control yourself

    Hugo Da Cuña

  26. Hello, I'm Uxía Gómez Domínguez,
    in my opinion new tecnology related to smart houses can be as useful as dangerous,because we really don't know if they are saving any kind of private information or even if they are watching us with cameras. But out of suppositions they also help people and I think that they can be good for people with mobility problems or old people.

  27. Hello,I´m Miguel Pérez Rey.
    I think that much technology isn´t necessary, the smart home has bad things like having you watched and then when you sleep it is not good to have the technology turned on. If the internet doesn't work, the whole house would fail and it wouldn't make sense.

  28. Hello, I'm Sheila Rodríguez Fernández.

    I found the conference very interesting. In my opinion, smart homes do not have many advantages because in the end you are always being controlled and also they use you as a product and try to keep selling you more and more things.

    Technology is always good but at those levels it seems unnecessary.

  29. Hello, the conference is very interesting because it talks about many things that I did not know.
    I don't like smart homes because they control you a lot.Although it seems to me that technology is very useful and every day it is more
    In my opinion you have to use technology with care.
    Sergio Pena

  30. Hi! I´m Natalia Lopez from 1°BAC "A".
    In my opinion, smart homes will be inevitable, in the future the companies will produce more merchandise with technology because it will be more profitable and they will have more benefits on that.
    We as consumers are going to demand the right of privacy and be more aware of the use we make of technology.We can´t impede the progress of technology but we can control the influence that it has on us.

  31. Hello, my name is Gabriel from 1°BAC A, I found the video very interesting, it reminded me of a book I read during the summer break: 1984, and how in tat distopyan novel IngSoc used telescreens to spy on the party members. Well it turns out that those telescreens do exist in real life and we are slowly introducing them in our homes.

  32. Hello, I am Anna Vicente from 1B and in my opinion this video is very realistic because we want everything super modern to help us and in the end what we are showing is our intimate life, our routines and everything we should keep for ourselves.
    That is what we must avoid so as not to jeopardize our intimate life.

  33. In my opinión , smart houses will end up arriving sooner or later as the world ir advancing by agigántate de steps. The online problem is that it will be more difficult to repair since it contents very complex sistems

  34. Hello
    The talk was very interesting, although I think that having a smart home is a bit scary and a loss of privacy.
    It is true that they can provide us with good things but I don't think that for this they should control us, in addition to the fact that if a problem with electricity arises, half of our house won't work.
    Nerea Gonzalo Carlini 1°Bac A

  35. Thanks for all your interesting comments and contribution to this post. It is a relief as well as very good news to know that we share the same interest and worries on this topic.

  36. In my opinion, the talk was interesting, because i think than smart home they are a way of controlling our life and violate privacity, although, surely they end up arriving sooner or later
    Alba Alonso Alonso 1° Bac B


  37. Hello, I´m Beatriz Rodríguez Alves.
    This text is very realistic. It is something that we do not take into account in our day to day and that we should be concerned.
    We should be scared that companies use us as laboratory rats to better position their products in the market.
    One of the conclusions that I got from this talk is that technologies do not make life easier for us as we thought, it even leads to harming it more.
    It was certainly a very interesting conversation and a topic we should take action on.

  38. Hola, soy Samuel Ferreira de 1º Bac A

    En mi opinión, esta bien tener cosas inteligentes, pero con las necesarias es suficiente.
    Por que como dice en el video, estas mas controlado de lo que piensas, la compañía controla tus hábitos y los utiliza para hacer gráficos y mejorar el producto.
    Y tambiénpueden observan tus cosas privadas, las cuales no te gustaría compartir.

  39. In my opinion there are unnecessary smart gadgets. We don't need everything to be connected to the internet. We also know that companies having them monitor us and we don't care. I personally don't like having more smart gadgets than necessary.

    1. Sorry, I forgot to add that I am Borja Fernández Castiñeira from 1st BAC A.

  40. Hi, my name is Cristina Amorín from 1ºBach A,in my opinion that video is correct and a lot of people forget that things and I think that is the worst problem of tecnology. For that I think that we shoud haven't a lot of tecnology of this tipe because it eliminates your privacy for which we have fought so much

  41. Hi, I'm Aroa from 1st Bach B.

    I found this Ted Talk's so interesting, but I don't really like this new type of technology. We know that the search engines like Google collect our data and sell it to companies, that's the way internet works. The technology advances very fast and the laws are lagging behind, so our privacy is at risk. Now, with the smart gadgets, we give the industry an advantage.Besides, it is more easy to buy our data if they know all the things we need, the things we use, etc. I use Alexa a couple of times and I can say that it is useless.

    At last,I hope that this type of industry that makes us a product will be banned.


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